City of St. Louis Expands Youth Programming Options to Help Keep Kids Safe This Summer

Summer Fun STL, a collaboration of the City, SLPS, and the St. Louis Youth Collaborative, has opened another location at Jefferson High School.

July 7, 2022 | 2 min reading time

This article is 3 years old. It was published on July 7, 2022.

Today, the City of St. Louis announced an expansion of youth programming locations and events to help keep city kids safe while school is out. Summer Fun STL, a collaboration between the City, St. Louis Public Schools, and the St. Louis Youth Collaborative, has opened another location at Jefferson Elementary, and the City is funding through the American Rescue Plan youth pop-up events in partnership with the Violence Prevention Commission (VPC).

“Keeping our children safe is the most important investment we can make,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “As a mom, I know how hard it can be to juggle work and family while school is out for the summer. I encourage families to check out these fun opportunities for youth to learn and grow.”

The Boys & Girls Club will administer the new Summer Fun STL location. A total of eight locations are running through July 29, from 8am - 6pm, providing recreational and educational activities and three meals a day to youth ages five through 17. Learn more about these opportunities, as well as other summer programming options, on the City’s website.

The City of St. Louis is also working with VPC to stand up youth events, movie nights, bike rides, and other youth pop-up events funded through the American Rescue Plan. A full list of events, along with dates and locations, can be found on VPC’s website.

“We have heard from youth for years that they feel like they don’t have safe spaces in their neighborhood,” said Jessica Meyers, Director of the St. Louis Violence Prevention Commission. “This partnership with the City allows us to fund pop up events for our partners to create safe spaces where they may not already exist. The goal is for these events to cut across interests and neighborhoods to offer something safe for everyone.”

The City announced the launch of Summer Fun STL in May using $1 million in Community Development Block Grant funding to hold camps, field trips and other educational activities, as part of its effort to improve public safety through the summer and protect youth. Earlier this week, the City opened registration for St. Louis’ National Night Out, which will take place on October 4. National Night Out is part of a nationwide effort to make neighborhoods safer by building trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

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