Locate Compost and Wood Chips Pick Up Sites
Find locations where City of St. Louis residents can pick up compost and wood chips at no cost.
On This Page
Organic materials (wood chips and compost) are available at no cost to city residents and are delivered weekly at the following sites:
- Bell & Vandeventer: Bell Garden
- 9th & Barton: Soulard Community Garden
- Geyer & Ohio: On Geyer, west of Ohio
- Chippewa & Oregon: Northeast corner
- Park & Dolman: On Dolman, south of Park
- Carondelet Park: East end of park off Holly Hills and west of YMCA
- Hickey Park: Near Conduit Drive
Wood Chips
Wood chips are generated by our chippers when trees and limbs are removed. The material is excellent for covering large areas, and makes a good surface between garden rows to handle foot traffic. It is not preferred material for enhancing garden soil as its too blocky and needs a couple of years to break down.
Compost is generated from shredded and decayed leaves. This material is an excellent soil enhancer and is often used directly on garden beds. Our quantity is sometimes limited. This material is produced at our facility in Carondelet Park.
- Tools (pitch fork, spade, rakes, etc.) and something to collect the materials.
- Choose site
- If using the Carondelet facility, confirm hours of operation, as materials are behind the gate:
- Monday-Friday, 7am-4pm
- Saturdays, 7am-2pm
- Sundays, closed
Bring your tools and collect the organic materials.
What to Expect
To obtain wood chips and compost at no cost.
Division of Forestry
(314) 613-7200
1415 N. 13th St.
St. Louis, MO 63106
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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