Tornado Drill Planned by the City Emergency Management Agency
A Tornado Drill is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Monday, March 6, 2017.
This article is 8 years old. It was published on February 28, 2017.
Each month,
the City Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) tests outdoor warning sirens in the City of St. Louis. In conjunction with testing for the month of March, the City will hold a Tornado Drill at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, March 6, 2017.
CEMA will utilize an electronic notification system to signal the drill and siren test (weather permitting). Anyone can sign up to receive emergency alerts from CEMA by texting STLCEMA to 888777.
The Tornado Drill is a perfect opportunity for employees, residents and businesses to practice what to do in an actual tornado warning:
- At 11:00am, find the nearest area that will provide adequate shelter during a Tornado.
- Go to that location and take shelter briefly before returning to your daily routine.
- Employees should check with their employers for business guidelines, or alternative dates or times designated for drills.
The City of St. Louis will NOT be participating in the Statewide Drill on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 due to a primary election taking place in the City on the same day. The alternate drill date is March 6, 2017. NOAA Weather Radios will signal the Statewide Drill, however the outdoor warning sirens in the City will not be activated, and we will NOT be sending a Nixle alert on March 7.
More Information:
To learn more about emergency management, local hazards and what actions to take, please visit the City Emergency Management Agency Website.To be notified via Facebook, join the March 6th Tornado Drill Facebook Event on the official City of St. Louis Government Facebook page.
City Emergency Management Agency