Hamilton Bridge Replacement
The City seeks public input on replacement of the Hamilton Bridge over MetroLink.
This article is 5 years old. It was published on October 14, 2020.

The City of St. Louis is in the process of designing the replacement of the Hamilton (Kingsbury) Bridge over MetroLink, located between Nina Place and DiGiverville Avenue in the Skinker DeBaliviere Neighborhood. The proposed bridge will include two lanes of vehicular traffic, two buffered bicycle lanes, and pedestrian sidewalks on each side, and will span the MetroLink tracks and adjacent alley. Located within the 26th Ward, the Hamilton Bridge provides one of only two neighborhood connections across the MetroLink tracks. The replacement bridge will improve upon bicycle/pedestrian accessibility within the neighborhood and from the proposed Des Peres Greenway to Lucier Park. The project is fully funded through the Federal Highway Administration’s Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation program. For a short informational video presented by the lead structural engineer, click here.
Preliminary Plans
Preliminary engineering plans are now complete and available for viewing. Proposed plans and elevation renderings can be downloaded here.
Seeking Public Input
The City is seeking public feedback on the proposed design. Input and comments will help guide the design of the new bridge to meet the neighborhood’s needs. All interested persons can submit questions and/or comments via Google form.
A full copy of the preliminary plans, maps, plats, environmental documentation, and other detailed information prepared by the City and its consultants will be available for public inspection and copying at the Office of the President, Board of Public Service, Room 301 City Hall, or by contacting the City’s project manager.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What improvement will the new bridge bring?
Answer: The new bridge will include 2 buffered bike lanes on either side of the bridge. The north abutment will also be shifted farther north to give drivers along the north alley a clear line of sight when driving under the bridge.
Question: When will this project start?
Answer: We are aiming to bid the project Spring of 2021, with construction anticipated to start in the Fall of 2021.
Question: When will this project be completed?
Answer: The duration of construction has not been finalized yet but may take up to one full year. We aim to finish construction as soon as possible to reduce the day to day impact on the neighborhood.
Question: Can we extend the project limits to encompass parts of the street or the adjacent fences?
Answer: Since this money is using 100% Federal funding we can not expand outside the scope of the bridge. Any additional changes would need to come another funding source provided by the Alderman.
Question: Can we have penetrations in the barrier wall along the bridge to preserve the look of the previous bridge?
Answer: Wall penetrations are labor intensive and expensive. Our current funding source does not allow for this. We can imprint indentions in the shape of windows to give the illusion of windows.
Kelvin Ling, P.E.
Design Division Project Manager
Office of the President
Board of Public Service
City Hall, Room 301
1200 Market Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 589-6628
Board of Public Service
Department of Streets
Construction, Maintenance, and Improvements