Register to Submit Quotes and Bids Online

Vendors are required to apply for and receive a portal login before submitting a quote/bid


Quotes/bids are submitted through our submission portal. This portal requires vendors to register and receive a portal login before submitting a quote/bid. The process for registering can take up to 7 days.

Vendors should initiate registration now or at least 7 days prior to a quote/bid due date. Vendors are responsible for ensuring they are properly registered in advance of the bid opening date. City is not responsible for missed deadlines.


Requirements for becoming a City vendor are simple, and detailed in the City Charter.

Your business must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • You must have a valid, current City Business license.
  • You must be current on paying your City payroll and sales taxes.
  • If you are exempt from the above requirements, you must fill out the proper forms.

Have your business contact information and Federal Employer ID number ready.


Current Vendors

For vendors who are already doing business with the city: 

  • Call Supply Division at 314-622-4580 and provide them with your business name and your Federal Employer ID Number.
  • Supply will confirm your contact information and send you an email with your user ID and instructions on how to reset your password.

New Vendors

For vendors who have not done business with the city: 

What to Expect

After requesting a portal login either by phone (existing vendors) or by the online form (new vendors), your request will be reviewed by Supply Division.

Upon approval, you will receive an email with your user ID and instructions on how to reset your password.

Additional Information


Supply Division

(314) 622-4580

1200 Market St., Rm 324, City Hall
St. Louis, MO 63103

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CST) Except for observed legal holidays

Contact the Supply Division

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