Services and Information

Departments and Agencies

  • Office of the Secretary
    The Office of the Secretary manages Board of Public Service meeting materials and issues permits on behalf of the Board.
  • St. Louis Port Authority
    The Port Authority of the City of St. Louis supports economic development in the City’s 6,000-acre Port District, which lies along the City’s 19 miles of Mississippi River frontage. In addition to managing leases for City-owned property in this area, the Authority works with shipping stakeholders across the bi-state area to promote regional commerce.

Downloadable Forms

  • USACE Bulkhead Permit
    Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers dated 4-20-10 authorizing the construction of a new sheet pile bulkhead wall riverward of the existing 800 foot South Dock Bulkhead wall.

Plans and Reports

Meeting Materials

  • Amtrak
    The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, Amtrak is a government-owned corporation striving to deliver a high quality, safe, on-time rail passenger service that exceeds customer expectations.
  • Citizens for Modern Transit
    Citizens for Modern Transit or CMT, leads advocacy efforts to expand light rail as the critical component of an integrated, affordable and convenient public transportation system that will enable economic growth to improve quality of life in the St. Louis region.
  • Illinois Department of Transportation
    he Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is a state agency in charge of state-maintained public roadways of the U.S. state of Illinois.
  • Metro Transit
    Metro Transit is best known as the operator of the public transportation system for the St. Louis metropolitan region, with MetroLink, MetroBus and Metro Call-A-Ride

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