City Trees (Planting Sites) Dataset

Overview and distributions for this dataset


All mapped planting sites within the city for tree plantings managed by the Forestry Division. Street tree planting sites are re-used, while park tree sites tend not to be. This data contains vacant sites, as well.

Data Distributions

This dataset can be accessed in the following ways:

  • Park and Easement ash trees in the City of Saint Louis and their last known condition.

  • Parks and Easement planting sites in the City of Saint Louis.

  • GeoJSON export and reprojection to WGS84 of planting sites (City Trees).

  • Easement and park tree planting sites via an ESRI mapserver web service.

  • Sites that have been inspected for planting pending funding from the aldermanic ward funds. Each ward is planted from funds assigned by the Alderperson. Because funds made available do not always match the number of planting sites available for planting or the number of planting sites inspected and prepared for planting, each ward gets its requested plantings done first, oldest requests first. If funds available exceed requests, then non-request sites that are ready are planted.

  • Sites that have been inspected for planting pending funding from the aldermanic ward funds. Each ward is planted from funds assigned by the Alderperson. Because funds made available do not always match the number of planting sites available for planting or the number of planting sites inspected and prepared for planting, each ward gets its requested plantings done first, oldest requests first. If funds available exceed requests, then non-request sites that are ready are planted.

  • All trees planted within the last 365 days.

  • Webmap of trees planted within the last 365 days and planned tree plantings pending aldermanic ward funding.

  • Shapefile of city trees mapped planting sites (City Trees).

  • Web Map Service (WMS) for City Trees and Forest Park Trees

About This Dataset

Information describing this dataset (metadata):

  • Data last updated: See individual distributions above
  • Data.json metadata: View metadata

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