All Open Datasets
Browse all public registered City of St. Louis datasets
Name | Department | Tags |
1990 Census Summary
1990 Census data by neighborhood |
Planning and Urban Design | census, neighborhood |
2000 Census Summary
2000 Census Summary for St. Louis City |
Planning and Urban Design | census, tracts |
2010 Census Summary
Census results for the City of St. Louis and surrounding areas |
Planning and Urban Design | census, tracts |
2010 Election Precincts
Election precincts in the City of St. Louis. See |
Board of Election Commissioner | |
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
City of St. Louis American Rescue Plan Act project data |
Mayor's Office | |
Animal Bites
Animal bite reports made to the City of Saint Louis Department of Health and its Anim... |
Environmental Health Services | |
Assessor Building Sections
Assessor building section information No longer used/updated fields retained for back... |
Assessor's Office | |
Board Bill Votes
Votes by board bill, alderman, and session |
Board of Aldermen | Board Bills, Aldermen, Legislation |
Building Inspections - Existing Structures
Includes building inspections that have had complaints lodged against them. Includes... |
Building Commissioner | Property Address, Property Owner, Inspections, Asset-Parcel |
Building Permits
Data on commercial, industrial, and residential building permits in the City of St. Louis |
Building Commissioner | Property Address, Property Owner, Contractor, Asset-Parcel, Inspections, Permits, Asset-Building |
City Blocks
Information about city blocks. A city block, residential block, urban block, or simpl... |
Planning and Urban Design | City Blocks |
City Boundary
St. Louis City limits |
Planning and Urban Design | boundary, limit |
City Expenditures
City of St. Louis expenditure data by department, account, and vendor |
Budget Office | budget, expenditures |
City Parks
A database containing information on city parks, park amenities, and amenity attributes |
Parks | Parks, Park details, Property Address, Asset-Prcl, Neighborhood |
City Public Schools
City of St. Louis public school information including school name, school address, gr... |
Information Technology Services Agency | |
City Streets
City street GIS data |
Streets - Street Division | streets |
City Trees (Planting Sites)
All mapped planting sites within the city for tree plantings managed by the Forestry ... |
Forestry | |
Commercial Occupancy Permits
Commercial Occupancy Permits issued by the Building Division |
Building Commissioner | |
Community Improvement Districts (CIDs)
Community improvement districts (CIDs) within the City of Saint Louis. CIDs are estab... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | taxing districts, CID |
COVID-19 Coronavirus Data
Data related to COVID-19 cases, deaths, and test results |
Communicable Disease Control | covid, covid-19, coronavirus, health |
COVID-19 Coronavirus Financial Transparency
Information regarding expenses and fund commitments of the City of St. Louis as a res... |
Mayor's Office | |
Crime Data
St. Louis City crime data and reports |
Police Department | |
CSB Service Requests (311)
The Citizens' Service Bureau (CSB) is the customer service department for the City of... |
Neighborhood Stabilization / CSB | Property Address, Intersection, Asset-Parcel, Asset-Street Maintenance, Department, Neighborhood, Ward |
Demolition Permits
Demolition permits |
Building Commissioner | Property Address, Property Owner, Contractor, Asset-Parcel, Permits, Inspections |
DESE School District Data
View data by district, charter, and school |
Other | education, slps, schools |
Election Precincts 2023
The April 2023 election precincts for the City of St. Louis |
Board of Election Commissioner | |
Electrical Permits
Data on commercial, industrial, and residential electrical permits in the City of St. Louis |
Building Commissioner | Property Address, Property Owner, Contractor, Asset-Parcel, Inspections, Permits, Asset-Building |
Equity Indicators
The Equity Indicators Project is in response to the Ferguson Commission's call to act... |
Mayor's Office | |
Excise Establishments
Excise Establishments that hold or previously held liquor licenses and/or permits within the City. |
Excise Commissioner | |
Fast-Track Cities HIV Data
HIV data for St. Louis City and St. Louis County |
Communicable Disease Control | health, hiv, aids |
Food Facility Inspections
Food facility inspections for restaurants and other food-handling locations within th... |
Health and Hospitals - Director's Office | |
Forest Park Trees
Forest Park Trees data |
Forestry | |
Forestry Property Maintenance, Grass Cuts
Derived from Forestry parcel categorization map and billing system data. |
Forestry | |
Geocode Service
Address validation services for city properties |
Planning and Urban Design | |
Historic District Data
Data on St. Louis certified local historic districts |
Planning and Urban Design | |
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Reports
Reports on mortgage lending in the City of St. Louis |
Planning and Urban Design | |
Homelessness Data
Point-In-Time counts of homeless persons and housing inventory |
Human Services | |
Housing Conservation Inspections
List of housing conservation inspections performed by Building Division inspectors |
Building Commissioner | |
Influenza Reports
Flu Season Weekly updates on influenza ("flu") in the City of St. Louis |
Communicable Disease Control | |
Inmate Population and Services
Data on inmate population and related services in the City of St. Louis |
Corrections/MSI | |
Land Use Data
Strategic land use (SLUP),parcel, and zoning data |
Planning and Urban Design | |
Lead Poisoning Data
Lead poisoning data and reports |
Family/Community/School Health | |
LRA Property
Land Reutilization Authority data and search. |
St. Louis Development Corporation | Property Address, Property Owner, Asset-Parcel, Inspections, Service Provided Details |
Mechanical Permits
Mechanical permit information by property type, year, neighborhood, ward, and project type. |
Building Commissioner | mechanical, hvac, sprinklers |
Milkweed for Monarchs Gardens
Community gardens containing milkweed plants for monarch butterflies as part of the M... |
Planning and Urban Design | |
Neighborhood Boundaries
ESRI shapefiles for city neighborhoods |
Planning and Urban Design | neighborhoods |
Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas
Neighborhood revitalization strategy areas (NRSA) within the City of St. Louis. More ... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | |
Obesity Data
Data on obesity in the City of St. Louis |
Family/Community/School Health | |
Occupancy Permits
Commercial, industrial, and occupancy building permits in the City of St. Louis |
Building Commissioner | Property Address, Property Owner, Contractor, Asset-Parcel, Permits |
Parcel 2010 Census Blocks
Parcel/2010 Census Block cross reference |
Assessor's Office | |
Parcel 2020 Census Blocks
Parcel/2020 Census Block cross reference |
Assessor's Office | |
Parcel Data
Current and historic parcel data |
Assessor's Office | parcels |
Plumbing Permits
Plumbing permit information by property type, year, neighborhood, ward, and project type. |
Building Commissioner | property owner, property address, Asset-prcl, permits |
Police District Boundaries
GIS data for police district boundaries |
Police Department | |
Port Authority District
This feature represents the District boundary for the St. Louis Port Authority. It wa... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | |
Property Sales
Dataset describes real estate sale prices for recent property sales in the city. A se... |
Assessor's Office | Property Address, Asset-Parcel |
Property Taxes
Property tax records by parcel |
Assessor's Office | Property Address, Asset-Parcel, Taxes |
Proposition NS Nominees
Data used to render the Prop NS Nominees ( |
St. Louis Development Corporation | |
Qualified Opportunity Zones
Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs) within the City of Saint Louis. Qualified Opportun... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | planning, opportunity zones, irs, treasury, federal, sldc, st. louis development corporation |
Resolution Voting Data
Resolution votes by ordinance, alderman, and session |
Board of Aldermen | |
Siren Locations
Public emergency siren locations. While these sirens are generally thought of as "tor... |
City Emergency Management Agency | |
SLPS District Data Profile
Overview, enrollment, discipline, staff, performance |
Other | education, schools, test, students |
Special Business Districts (SBDs)
Special business districts (SBDs) within the City of Saint Louis. SBDs are establishe... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | taxing districts, SBD |
Sprinkler Permits
List of permits assigned to mechanical contractors to install sprinkler systems. |
Building Commissioner | sprinklers, fire suppression, fire, property owners |
Street Permits
Permits issued by the Street Department to allow for blocking of the right of way, ex... |
Streets - Director's Office | permits, streets |
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts
Tax Increment Financing is a development tool designed to help finance certain eligib... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | planning, tif, tax increment financing, sldc, st. louis development corporation |
Tax-abated Parcels
Parcels within the City of Saint Louis that have obtained and activated an abatement ... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | |
Transportation Development Districts (TDDs)
Transportation development districts (TDDs) within the City of Saint Louis. TDDs are ... |
St. Louis Development Corporation | taxing districts, TDD |
Vacant Buildings
Contains a list of all vacant buildings as maintained by the Building Division inspec... |
Building Commissioner | |
Ward Boundaries
Boundaries of City of St. Louis wards |
Planning and Urban Design |
Data Requests
If the open data portal does not have the information you need, data can be requested with a Sunshine Request.
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