Electrical Permits Dataset
Overview and distributions for this dataset
Data on commercial, industrial, and residential electrical permits in the City of St. Louis
On This Page
Data Distributions
This dataset can be accessed in the following ways:
Get all and search through electrical permits
Deprecated (and pre-Nov 28, 2018) electrical permit data in CSV format. Data is grouped by permit application year.
Dashboard showing commercial, industrial, and residential electrical permits by neighborhood
Dashboard showing commercial, industrial, and residential electrical permits by ward
Dashboard showing commercial, industrial, and residential electrical permits by year
Dashboard showing commercial, industrial, and residential electrical permits in the last 30 day period
Deprecated (and pre-Nov 28, 2018) Microsoft Access database that includes electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits.
Field Definitions
Name | Label | Data Type | Vocabulary |
ADDR_Handle | Project Handle | String | |
ADDR_LocationX | Project X coordinate | String | |
ADDR_LocationY | Project Y coordinate | String | |
ADDR_NeighborhoodNumber | Project Neighborhood | String | |
ADDR_ParcelID | Project Parcel ID | Integer | |
ADDR_Ward | Project Ward | String | |
ContractorCompany | Contractor Company Name | String | |
CurrentResultDate | Inspection Completed Date | String | |
DateCancelled | Inspection Canceled Date | String | |
DateScheduled | Inspection Scheduled Date | String | |
INRE_InspectionResult (InspectionResultID) | Inspection Result | String | |
InspectionNotes | Inspection Result Notes | String | |
InspectorName | Inspector Name | String | |
InspectorName | Inspector Name | String | |
OwnerState | Owner State | String | |
PEIF_ApplicationDate | Application Date | String | |
PEIF_ApplicationFee | Application Fee | Decimal | |
PEIF_EstimatedCompletionDate | Estimated Completion Date | String | |
PEIF_ExpirationDate | Expiration Date | String | |
PEIF_Number | Permit Number | String | |
PEIF_OwnerAddress | Owner Address | String | |
PEIF_OwnerCity | Owner City | String | |
PEIF_OwnerName | Owner Name | String | |
PEIF_OwnerZipCode | Owner Zip Code | String | |
PEIF_PermitTotal + PEIF_ApplicationFee + PEIF_Surcharge | Fee Total | Decimal | |
PEIF_ProjectAddress | Project Address | String | |
PEIF_ProjectCity | Project City | String | |
PEIF_ProjectCost | Project Cost | Decimal | |
PEIF_ProjectDescription | Project Name | String | |
PEIF_ProjectZipCode | Project Zip Code | String | |
PEIF_Surcharge | Aplication Surcharge | Decimal | |
PEIF_UnitNumber | Unit Number | String | |
PEST_Name (PEIF_FK_PEST_ID) | Current Status | String | |
PETY_Name (PEIF_FK_PETY_ID) | Permit Type | String | |
ProjectState | Project State | String | |
ProjectType (PEIF_FK_PJTY_ID) | Project Type | String | |
ReasonCancelled | Inspection Canceled Reason | String | |
StructureType (PEIF_FK_STTY_ID) | Structure Type | String | |
TimeframeEnd | Inspection Scheduled Time to | String | |
TimeframeStart | Inspection Scheduled Time from | String |
About This Dataset
Information describing this dataset (metadata):
- Provided by: Building Commissioner
- Temporal coverage: 2010 to current day
- Related topics: Permits, Inspections, and Certifications Construction, Maintenance, and Improvements
- Tags: asset-building asset-parcel contractor inspections permits property address property owner
- Data last updated: See individual distributions above
- Data.json metadata: View metadata
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