Plumbing Permits By Neighborhood Dataset Distribution
Overview for this Plumbing Permits dataset distribution
View Data
Dashboard showing commercial, industrial, and residential plumbing permits by neighborhood
Field Definitions
Name | Label | Data Type | Vocabulary |
ADDR_Handle | Project Handle | String | |
ADDR_LocationX | Project X coordinate | String | |
ADDR_LocationY | Project Y coordinate | String | |
ADDR_NeighborhoodNumber | Project Neighborhood | String | |
ADDR_ParcelID | Project Parcel ID | Integer | |
ADDR_Ward | Project Ward | String | |
ContractorCompany | Contractor Company Name | String | |
CurrentResultDate | Inspection Completed Date | String | |
DateCancelled | Inspection Canceled Date | String | |
DateScheduled | Inspection Scheduled Date | String | |
INRE_InspectionResult (InspectionResultID) | Inspection Result | String | |
InspectionNotes | Inspection Result Notes | String | |
InspectorName | Inspector Name | String | |
InspectorName | Inspector Name | String | |
OwnerState | Owner State | String | |
PEIF_ApplicationDate | Application Date | String | |
PEIF_ApplicationFee | Application Fee | Decimal | |
PEIF_EstimatedCompletionDate | Estimated Completion Date | String | |
PEIF_ExpirationDate | Expiration Date | String | |
PEIF_Number | Permit Number | String | |
PEIF_OwnerAddress | Owner Address | String | |
PEIF_OwnerCity | Owner City | String | |
PEIF_OwnerName | Owner Name | String | |
PEIF_OwnerZipCode | Owner Zip Code | String | |
PEIF_PermitTotal + PEIF_ApplicationFee + PEIF_Surcharge | Fee Total | Decimal | |
PEIF_ProjectAddress | Project Address | String | |
PEIF_ProjectCity | Project City | String | |
PEIF_ProjectCost | Project Cost | Decimal | |
PEIF_ProjectDescription | Project Name | String | |
PEIF_ProjectZipCode | Project Zip Code | String | |
PEIF_Surcharge | Aplication Surcharge | Decimal | |
PEIF_UnitNumber | Unit Number | String | |
PEST_Name (PEIF_FK_PEST_ID) | Current Status | String | |
PETY_Name (PEIF_FK_PETY_ID) | Permit Type | String | |
ProjectState | Project State | String | |
ProjectType (PEIF_FK_PJTY_ID) | Project Type | String | |
ReasonCancelled | Inspection Canceled Reason | String | |
StructureType (PEIF_FK_STTY_ID) | Structure Type | String | |
TimeframeEnd | Inspection Scheduled Time to | String | |
TimeframeStart | Inspection Scheduled Time from | String |
About This Distribution
- Is a distribution of: Plumbing Permits
- Data format: Website
- Update frequency: Daily
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