Service Requests Dataset Distribution
Overview for this CSB Service Requests (311) dataset distribution
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CSV files that include Citizens' Service Bureau service requests
Field Definitions
Name | Label | Data Type | Vocabulary |
CALLERTYPE | Caller Type | String | |
DATECANCELLED | Date Cancelled | DateTime | |
DATEINVTDONE | Date Investigation Was Done | DateTime | |
DATETIMECLOSED | Date/Time Closed | DateTime | |
DATETIMEINIT | Date/Time Initiated | DateTime | |
DESCRIPTION | Description | String | |
EXPLANATION | Explanation | String | |
GROUP | Category/Group | String | |
NEIGHBORHOOD | Neighborhood Number | Integer | Neighborhood |
PRJCOMPLETEDATE | Projected Completion Date | DateTime | |
PROBADDRESS | Problem Address | String | |
PROBADDTYPE | Problem Address Type | String | |
PROBCITY | Problem City | String | |
PROBLEMCODE | Problem Code | String | |
PROBZIP | Problem Zip Code | Integer | |
REQUESTID | Request ID | Integer | |
SRX | X Coordinate | Decimal | |
SRY | Y Coordinate | Decimal | |
STATUS | Status | String | |
SUBMITTO | Submitted To | String | |
WARD | Ward Number | Integer | Wards |
About This Distribution
- Is a distribution of: CSB Service Requests (311)
- Data format: CSV
- File last modified:
- File size: MB
- Update frequency: Weekly
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