Board Bill Number 227 In Session 2017-2018
Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant
BOARD BILL NO. 227 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERWOMAN HEATHER NAVARRO, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER An ordinance, recommended by the Board of Estimate & Apportionment, authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis, on behalf of the City, to enter into and execute an agreement or agreements with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for the receipt of Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant (LHRD) funds; appropriating the sum of Two Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,100,000) which the City has been awarded for the LHRD program; authorizing and directing the Director of the Community Development Administration ("CDA") to contract with municipal agencies, non-profit corporations and other entities, as necessary for the expenditure of LHRD funding; and directing the Comptroller to issue warrants thereon upon the City Treasury; and containing an emergency clause.
- Introduced (114.95 KB PDF)
Session: 2017-2018
Primary Sponsors: Larry Arnowitz
Ordinance: 70708 effective 02/01/2018
Committee: Housing, Urban Development and Zoning
Legislative History
Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
01/26/2018 Vote Results
Ordinance Number: 70708
Effective Date: 02/01/2018
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