Board Bill Number 28 In Session 2020-2021
Expansion of the Port Authority District Boundaries
Overall Purpose/Reasons for the Board Bill The City of St. Louis Port Authority port district boundaries currently include approximately 6,000 acres, primarily along the City's 19-mile riverfront. Every other port district in Missouri is coterminous with the boundaries of the city or county (or counties) that created the port district. Examples include Kansas City, St. Louis County and Jefferson County. Expanding the boundaries of the City of St. Louis Port Authority as proposed by Board Bill Number 28 will allow the City of St. Louis Port Authority to qualify for additional federal and state grant programs and to participate in development and infrastructure projects throughout the expanded boundaries, as described below. What the Board Bill Will Do Expand the boundaries of the City of St. Louis Port Authority as shown on the map attached as Exhibit A to Board Bill Number 28. The Impact of the Board Bill to the Community Over the last 10 years, the City of St. Louis Port Authority has received approximately $1 million from the Port Security Grant Program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for video surveillance along the riverfront and to supplement technology at the Real Time Crime Center. A larger port district will enable the Port Authority to qualify for additional federal and state grant programs, including but not limited to the Port Security Grant Program, for City-wide safety and security enhancements and other eligible purposes. In 2016, the Missouri General Assembly authorized port authorities to create Advanced Industrial Manufacturing (AIM) zones. Within an AIM zone, a port authority may receive one-half of State withholding taxes attributable to new jobs within the zone. A larger port district will enable the Port Authority to leverage these state funds for a wide range of infrastructure and other development purposes within the AIM zone. In 2010, the Missouri General Assembly authorized port authorities, with the approval of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission and the circuit court, to create Port Improvement Districts upon request of property owners within the boundaries of any proposed district. Similar to a transportation development district or a community improvement district, the qualified voters within a Port Improvement District may elect to impose a sales tax and/or a property tax to fund qualified costs within the boundaries of the Port Improvement District. A larger port district will enable the City of St. Louis Port Authority to make this job-creation program available in more parts of the City.
- Introduced (1.90 MB PDF)
- As Amended (1.87 MB PDF)
Session: 2020-2021
Primary Sponsors: Jack Coatar
Ordinance: 71179 effective 08/09/2020
Committee: Transportation and Commerce
Tammika Hubbard, Christine Ingrassia, Dan Guenther, Carol Howard, Marlene E Davis
Legislative History
Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
06/26/2020 Vote Results
Ordinance Number: 71179
Effective Date: 08/09/2020
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