Board Bill Number 134 In Session 2021-2022
Repealing Ordinance Numbers. 66969, 66415, 64603 and 65118
This Board Bill repeals Ordinance Numbers. 66969, 66415, 64603 and 65118 and eliminates the Delmar East Loop, Barton Street Lofts, and Chouteau Compton Special Allocation Funds for these Tax Increment Financings (TIFs) because the City payed off the Notes or the Notes expired for said TIFs. The Special Allocation Funds will pass through any remaining PILOTs and EATs captured to the statutory Taxing Jurisdictions and will cease to exist so the taxes will be collected and paid to the statutory Taxing Jurisdictions in the future as if the TIFs do not exist.
Latest Bill text:
- Introduced (1.80 MB PDF)
Session: 2021-2022
Introduced: 11/19/2021
Primary Sponsors: Jeffrey L Boyd
Latest Activity: Delivered to Register
Ordinance: 71439 effective 01/23/2022
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Bill text was introduced (1.80 MB PDF).
11/19/2021Referred to a Committee
The bill was assigned to the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee.
11/30/2021Committee Hearing
The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee hearing.
12/03/2021Second Reading
The bill was engrossed during the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.
12/10/2021Third Reading
The bill was passed.
12/10/2021Delivered to Mayor
12/22/2021Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number
Register returns ordinance number 71439. Effective date is 01/23/2022
12/23/2021Mayor Returns Bill
The bill was approved.
12/23/2021Delivered to Register
12/10/2021 Vote Results
Aye Votes 27No Votes 0Final Passage VoteOrdinance
Ordinance Number: 71439
Effective Date: 01/23/2022
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