Ordinances by O. L Shelton
Ordinances introduced, authored, and co-authored by this alderman
Past Ward 04
Ordinance #: | Title | Effective |
67416 |
Animal House Fund
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service; authorizing the Board of
Public Service to execute and deliver of behalf of the City a design-build contract in
substantially the form attached as Exhibit A with Animal House Fund, Inc., a Missouri
not for profit corporation, for the design and construction by Animal House Fund, Inc., at
its sole cost and expense, and donation to the City, of an animal shelter in a portion of
Arsenal-Ellendale Park.
03/16/2007 |
67404 |
Quit Claim for 3011 Lambdin
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, a Quit Claim Deed to remise, release and forever quit-claim unto the LAND REUTILIZATION AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, a public corporation, created, existing and acting under and by authority of the Municipal Land Reutilization Law of Missouri, certain City-owned property located in City Block 4468-NA, which property is known as 3011 Lambdin Avenue, and containing an emergency clause.
02/09/2007 |
67324 |
Ordinance pertaining to the traffic code
An Ordinance pertaining to the traffic code repealing Ordinance 65351 setting forth the penalty for traffic violations occurring within construction zones and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter; further amending part 17.02.230 and 17.14.010 of Section One of Ordinance 57831 pertaining to the definition of emergency vehicles and the color of lights which may be displayed such emergency vehicles and further enacting a new section to be codified as Section 17.14.050 of the Revised Code traffic regulations for vehicles approaching stationary emergency vehicles; containing an emergency clause.
12/11/2006 |
67218 |
4215-19 & 4236-4306 W. Labadie & 3001-15 Lambdin
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4215-19 & 4236-4306 W. Labadie Avenue & 3001-15 Lambdin Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 23, 2006 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
09/01/2006 |
67195 |
Ordinance relating to parks; subject to the approval of the voters, a sales tax
An ordinance relating to parks; imposing, under and by the authority of Sections 644.032 and 644.033 RSMo., subject to the approval of the voters, a sales tax of one-eighth of one per cent (1/8%) on all retail sales made in the City of St. Louis which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Sections 144.010 to 144.525 RSMo., for the purpose of providing funding for local parks, and specifically, funding for the construction and maintenance of new and existing recreation centers and recreation programs in parks, including but not limited to programs for children and seniors, in addition to any and all other sales taxes allowed by law; submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis a proposal to authorize the imposition of such tax; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such tax shall be authorized and in effect as provided in Sections 644.032 and 644.033 RSMo.; providing that the tax imposed pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be a tax on all retail sales made in the City of St. Louis which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Sections 144.010 to 144.525 RSMo.; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
08/01/2006 |
67194 |
Graduated Business License Tax for Public Safety Purposes
An ordinance relating to the graduated business license tax imposed pursuant to Ordinance 60643; imposing, subject to the approval of the voters, increased graduated business license taxes and setting forth public safety purposes for which revenue generated by the proposition shall be used; repealing, subject to the approval of the qualified voters SECTION ONE of Ordinance 60643, approved January 8, 1988, and enacting in lieu thereof a new SECTION ONE imposing increased graduated business license taxes; submitting unless such question shall have received in its favor the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon at the August 8, 2006, election, to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis a proposition to approve the increase in the graduated business license taxes; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such tax shall be authorized and shall be imposed on graduated business licenses issued for the tax year beginning June 1, 2007 and every tax year thereafter; providing further for the establishment of a Public Safety Trust Fund and for the establishment of an Enhanced Police Services Account, an Enhanced Criminal Prosecution Account, and an Enhanced Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution Account within such Fund into which all revenue derived from the increase in the graduated business license tax pursuant to the approval of the voters and all interest on such revenue shall be deposited, allocated and credited and setting forth the purposes for which monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts shall be used; restricting the use of monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts to expenditures for the purposes listed; requiring an annual review by the Ways and Means Committee of the Board of Aldermen to monitor the distribution of all monies in the Public Safety Trust Fund; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
08/01/2006 |
67193 |
Graduated business license tax for the Public Trust Fund
An ordinance relating to the graduated business license tax imposed pursuant to Ordinance 60643 and the proposition relating to the graduated business license tax submitted to the voters pursuant to Ordinance 67091, setting forth public safety purposes for which revenue generated by the proposition shall be used; providing further for the establishment of a Public Safety Trust Fund and for the establishment of an Enhanced Police Services Account, an Enhanced Criminal Prosecution Account, and an Enhanced Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution Account within such Fund into which all revenue derived from the increase in the graduated business license tax pursuant to the approval of the voters and all interest on such revenue shall be deposited, allocated and credited and setting forth the purposes for which monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts shall be used; restricting the use of monies in such Trust Fund and such Accounts to expenditures for the purposes listed; requiring an annual review by the Ways and Means Committee of the Board of Aldermen to monitor the distribution of all monies in the Public Safety Trust Fund; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
08/01/2006 |
67174 |
Ville Historic District
An Ordinance concerning the Ville Historic District; designating a described area in the City of St. Louis as an historic district, to be known as the Ville Historic District: containing, identifying and providing for maintenance of a general location map of such district, which also evaluates the architectural significance of the improvements within such district; stating the historic, architectural, cultural and aesthetic significance and the current economic condition of such district; describing the advantages to residents of such district and to the City which may be anticipated as a consequence of historic district designation; containing., identifying and providing for maintenance of a plat at a scale of not more than 300 feet to the inch indicating the existing uses of all properties within the district; stating a general plan for the district indicating planned or proposed (public or private) restoration, development and demolition within the district; prescribing historic standards to be applied within the district; stating amendments to the existing zoning classification and boundaries necessary to conform to the proposed plan; with a severability clause and an emergency clause.
07/18/2006 |
67113 |
Probib. package drink liquor i the 4th Ward
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 66155 and enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
06/05/2006 |
66923 |
Redevelopment Plan for 4012-4054 Lincoln.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 4012, 4015, 4016, 4018, 4019, 4022, 4025, 4030, 4036, 4044, 4050, & 4054 Lincoln Avenue Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated August 23, 2005 for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
12/28/2005 |
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