Ordinances by Jesse Todd
Ordinances introduced, authored, and co-authored by this alderman
Past Ward 18
Ordinance #: | Title | Effective |
71658 |
2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs
This Board Bills is recommended by the Board of Public Service authorizing the 2022 St. Louis Works and the 50/50 Sidewalk Programs City Wide providing for the construction and reconstruction of gutters, streets, driveways, spot curbs, sidewalks, alleys, traffic controls, beautification, tree planting, resurfacing and related engineering adjustments listed herein, appropriating $9,800,000.00 from the Street Improvement Fund; containing sections for description of the work, approval of plans and specifications, work and material guarantees, estimated costs from City funds and supplemental agreements and reversion authorizations, applicable state and federal wage rate requirements, equal opportunity provisions, the Mayor's Executive Orders, contract advertising statutes, and a public work emergency clause.
04/18/2023 |
71564 |
Speed Humps Various Locations in the 18th Ward
The proposed bill directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on the: 4250 block of Enright Avenue, 4100 block of McPherson Avenue, 1800 block of Prairie Avenue in front of 1819 Prairie Avenue, and 3900 and 4000 blocks of Westminster Place.
11/26/2022 |
71560 |
Benjamin Polson Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Benjamin Polson Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937. Benjamin Polson Way will begin at the intersection of Shawmut Place and Ridge Avenue and run north on Shawmut Place to the intersection of Shawmut Place and North Wells Avenue.
11/26/2022 |
71556 |
Civilian Oversight Board
The proposed bill provides for independent investigations of law enforcement misconduct and use of force incidents. The bill repeals Ordinance Number 69984, as amended by Ordinance Number 70532, and enacts in lieu thereof an ordinance that reconstitutes and provides staff support for the Civilian Oversight Board (COB) and provides coordination and staff support for the Detention Facility Oversight Board (DFOB) created under Ordinance 71430. The bill also establishes the Division of Civilian Oversight within the Department of Public Safety, and authorizes the establishment of the Public Integrity Unit, directed by the Circuit Attorney in the City of St. Louis.
09/03/2022 |
71520 |
Speed Humps at Various Locations in the 18th Ward
The proposed bill directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps to calm the flow of traffic on the: 700 Block of Aubert Ave, 5100 block of Cabanne Ave, 3730 block of Cook Ave, 4100 block of CD Banks Ave, 4400 block of Enright Ave, 3700 block of Finney Ave. 3800 block of Finney Ave, the 5000 block of Minerva Ave, 5000 block of Ridge Ave, 4300 block of Washington Ave, 5000 block of Vernon Ave, and 5100 block of Vernon Ave.
07/27/2022 |
71519 |
Two Way Stop at Academy Avenue and Raymond Avenue
The proposed bill would establish a two-way stop site at the intersection of Academy Avenue and Raymond Avenue regulating all traffic traveling northbound and southbound on Academy Avenue at Raymond Avenue.
06/27/2022 |
71518 |
Closing the 4000 block of West Belle Place at N. Sarah
The proposed bill directs the Director of Streets Director of Streets to permanently close, barricade or otherwise impede the flow of traffic on the 4000 block of West Belle Place by blocking the flow of traffic at the east curb line of North Sarah Street and the intersection of the West Belle Place and North Sarah Street.
07/27/2022 |
71500 |
Dr. Samuel W. Hylton, Jr. Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Dr. Samuel W. Hylton, Jr. Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937, which shall begin at the intersection of Fountain Avenue and Aubert Avenue and run east on Fountain Avenue to the Intersection of Fountain Avenue and Bayard Avenue.
06/04/2022 |
71490 |
Water and Low-Fat Milk Default Beverage Options
The proposed bill requires food establishments, as defined in Chapter 11.42.040 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, to make water and low-fat milk the default beverage options offered with children’s meals. The bill provides for financial penalty of $100 for a second violation, and $500 for a third and any subsequent violations.
09/30/2022 |
71468 |
Conditionally Vacate a Public Alley
The overall purpose for this bill is to conditionally vacate the following public alley. The northern most east/west alley in City Block 3787 as bounded by Martin Luther King Dr., Aubert, Page and Kingshighway and also of variable shape and width. The Petitioner is Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis and others. The vacated area will be used to consolidate property for commercial development.
03/03/2022 |
71467 |
Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District
The proposed bill will establish the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District. Except as provided in the bill, it will be prohibited to issue any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District for a period of five years.
03/03/2022 |
71446 |
YouthBuild Grant
The proposed bill authorizes the receipt of and appropriates grant funds awarded by the US Department of Labor (solely to the extent received) relating to the YouthBuild Grant.
01/24/2022 |
71440 |
Closing the Gap with Social Determinants of Health (“SDOH”) – Food and Nutrition Grant
This Board Bill authorizes the Department of Health (the “DOH”) to accept a Closing the Gap with Social Determinants of Health (“SDOH”) – Food and Nutrition grant of $89,522.00 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) for the grant purposes of convening and coordinating a leadership team consisting of multisectoral partners and creating an implementation ready SDOH Accelerator Plan of Action and authorizing the expenditure of CDC grant funds for grant purposes, and to fulfill the obligations of said grant.
12/23/2021 |
71431 |
Department of Human Services (“DHS”) Grant
The purpose of this bill is to authorize the City of St. Louis, by and through the Department of Human Services (“DHS”), to accept a grant award from Washington University, Health Communication Research Laboratory, in the amount of $30,000.00 to cover expenses incurred in the Calling Older adult/disabled Participants to Ensure access to vaccines (COPE) program. DHS, through its St. Louis Area Agency on Aging (SLAAA) division, currently provides Home Delivered Meals to over 2,000 clients. Through COPE, each client will be called to ask about the services they receive, ask if they have been vaccinated, and if not, they will be asked if they would like to be added to the homebound vaccination program. COPE will assist recipients of the Home Delivered Meals with access to vaccines through the homebound vaccination program, providing transportation to vaccine clinics, or following-up with clients regarding vaccine questions. COPE will assist Washington University to fulfill agreements with the National Institutes of Health in getting people connected with the vaccine.
12/20/2021 |
71429 |
Possession of Marijuana and Paraphernalia
The proposed bill would repeal Ordinance Numbers 66419, 68404 and 69429, which pertain to the possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. The bill would also update local enforcement priorities, and probable cause and reasonable suspicion standards, and disciplinary standards to harmonize City policy with Article XIV of the Missouri State Constitution.
01/13/2022 |
71425 |
Transformation Christian Church and World Outreach Center Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Transformation Christian Church and World Outreach Center Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937. Transformation Christian Church and World Outreach Center Way will begin at the intersection of North Sarah Street and Page Boulevard and west on Page Boulevard the intersection of Wittier Street and Page Boulevard.
01/13/2022 |
71402 |
Honorary Naming of Michael P. McMillan Way
The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name The proposed bill authorizes the honorary street name Michael P. McMillan Way pursuant to Ordinance 68937. Michael P. McMillan Way will begin at the intersection of Aubert Avenue and Page Boulevard and run north on Aubert Avenue to the intersection of Aubert Avenue and D. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive.
11/27/2021 |
71394 |
City's Traffic Calming Policy
An ordinance amending Sections Two and Three of Ordinance Number 70333 related to City of St. Louis’ Traffic Calming Policy and containing an emergency clause.
10/13/2021 |
71368 |
Electric Vehicles for Senior Services Grant
The purpose of this bill is to authorize the City of St. Louis, by and through the Division of Human Services (“DHS”), accept a grant award from FORTH in the amount $60,000.00 to cover transportation costs and expenses serving senior citizens in St. Louis through contracting the use of electric vehicles with Northside Senior Center and City Seniors Center from 2021 to 2023. Bill will assist FORTH in fulfilling contractual requirements under its United States Dept. of Energy (DOE) funded project.
This bill authorizes the Director of DHS to accept and approve the appropriation to expend grant funds for the purposes and uses to assist with supporting the use of Electric Vehicles to deliver meals and provide transportation services to senior citizens in St. Louis. FORTH will provide funds to purchase/lease the electric vehicles and cover the cost to install electric charging stations for vehicles used by Northside Senior Center and City Seniors Center. Through the use of electric vehicles, Senior St. Louisans who rely on services from contracting organizations will have access to transportation that will assist in providing meals and transportation for daily errands and appointments.
07/15/2021 |
71367 |
Veterans Community Project Planned Unit Development District
An ordinance establishing and creating a Planned Unit Development District for City Blocks 1868.00, 1880.00, & 1881.00 to be known as the "Veterans Community Project Planned Unit Development District" and containing a Severability Clause and an Emergency Clause.
07/15/2021 |
71356 |
Changing the Zoning of 4738, 4740 and 4800 Delmar
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on May 5, 2021, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from the “G” Local Commercial and Office District to the “H” Area Commercial District, in City Block 4575 (4700-04, 4710-14, 4718-20, 4722, 4724-30, 4732-36, 4738, 4740 and 4800 Delmar Boulevard), so as to include the described parcels of land in City Block 4575; and containing an emergency clause.
07/02/2021 |
71354 |
STL CARES (Community Assessment and Referral for Enduring Stability) Program
This Board Bill authorizes the City of St. Louis Department of Health (DOH) to accept a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)(CFDA Number: 93.243)(Award No. 1H79SM080544-01), known as the Law Enforcement and Behavioral Health Partnership: STL CARES (Community Assessment and Referral for Enduring Stability) project grant in the total amount of One Million Six Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars ($1,648,627) over five years, to enable early diversion of individuals with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Co-Occurring Disorders (COD) from potential arrest using targeted outreach and behavioral health co-response, coupled with law enforcement personnel training in mental health and trauma-informed response and other grant purposes; authorizing the expenditure of grant funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for the grant purposes.
07/02/2021 |
71327 |
Tax Increment Financing for the Kingsway Commercial Redevelopment Area Developer Agreement
Authorizes the Redevelopment Agreement with Developer in order to implement the Project (being comprised of five Sub-Projects) and enable Developer to carry out the Redevelopment Plan.
03/23/2021 |
71326 |
Tax Increment Financing for the Kingsway Commercial Redevelopment Area
The purpose of the bills is to authorize and approve tax increment financing for the Kingsway Commercial Redevelopment Area
03/23/2021 |
71320 |
Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 5025 Delmar Blvd.
This Board Bill would to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5025 Delmar Blvd. Redevelopment Area. This project is the construction of a commercial building. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax assurance with a 2% annual increase.
03/23/2021 |
71311 |
Two-Way Stop Sites at the Intersections of Whittier Street and Washington Boulevard
The proposed bill will establish two, two-way stop sites at the eastern and western intersections Whittier Street and Washington Boulevard regulating all traffic traveling eastbound and westbound on Washington Boulevard at the eastern intersection of Whittier Street and Washington Boulevard and regulating all traffic traveling eastbound and westbound on Washington Boulevard at the western intersection of Whittier Street and Washington Boulevard.
02/11/2021 |
71309 |
Two-Way Stop at North Sarah Street and Westminster Place
The proposed bill will establish a two-way stop site at the intersection of North Sarah Street and Westminster Place regulating all traffic traveling north bound and south bound on North Sarah Street at the intersection of North Sarah Street and Westminster Place; and containing an emergency clause.
02/11/2021 |
71305 |
Honorary Street Naming to Kim Massie Way
The proposed bill would create the honorary street name Kim Massie Way, beginning at the intersection of North Broadway and Convention Plaza and running south on North Broadway to the intersection of North Broadway and Lucas Avenue.
03/11/2021 |
71285 |
EV Ready
This bill will require that construction and renovations governed by the International Residential Code, (Ordinance 70795) provide Electric Vehicle Ready electric supply (EV Ready) in amounts provided by the ordinance, in general, one EV Ready space per dwelling unit with exceptions. The definition of EV Ready for the purpose of this bill is defined as designing and constructing a dwelling in a way that facilitates and optimizes the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment during construction and Level 3 alterations. The ordinance does not require the construction of parking beyond what is required by the Zoning Code. Physical requirements for an EV ready location consist of the following: an adequately sized electrical service supply, conduit and conductor from the electric service panel to a termination point and branch circuit capacity for a 208/240V 50A dual pole circuit breaker.
This bill will empower the City of St. Louis to prepare for the future of electric vehicles and the growing demand for electric vehicle charging as the electric vehicle fleet increases. Numerous positive benefits are an outcome of transportation electrification, such as reduced air pollution and carbon emissions, workforce development for electricians and reduced operating costs over the lifetime of the vehicle.
01/01/2022 |
71284 |
Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (EVSE)
This bill will require that construction and renovations governed by the International Building Code, (Ordinance 70794) provide Electric Vehicle Ready electric supply (EV Ready) or Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment (EVSE) in amounts provided by the ordinance. In specific applications, the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) will be required. The definition of EV Ready for the purpose of this bill is defined as designing and constructing a building in a way that facilitates and optimizes the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment during construction and Level 3 alterations. The ordinance does not require the construction of parking beyond what is required by the Zoning Code. Physical requirements for an EV ready location consist of the following: an adequately sized electrical service supply, conduit and conductor from the electric service panel to a termination point and branch circuit capacity for a 208/240V 50A dual pole circuit breaker. In the scenario where EVSE is to be installed per the respective parking requirements, a list is provided for the required number of Level II ‘chargers” to be installed in conjunction with the requirement for the number of spaces to EV ready for future expansion.
This bill will empower the City of St. Louis to prepare for the future of electric vehicles and the growing demand for electric vehicle charging as the electric vehicle fleet increases. Numerous positive benefits are an outcome of transportation electrification, such as reduced air pollution and carbon emissions, workforce development for electricians and reduced operating costs over the lifetime of the vehicle.
01/01/2022 |
71274 |
Closure of Vernon Ave. at Kingshighway Blvd.
The proposed Board Bill would permanently close, barricade or otherwise impede the flow of traffic on Vernon Avenue by blocking said traffic flow at the west curb line of North Kingshighway Boulevard at the intersection of the Vernon Avenue and North Kingshighway Boulevard.
02/27/2021 |
71263 |
Redevelopment Plan for 528 North Newstead Ave.
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 528 North Newstead Ave. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow five (5) years of tax abatement based on 50% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements; construction of a
single family home will occur.
02/27/2021 |
71240 |
Prohibiting Commercial Vehicles from travelling along CDBanks Avenue
The proposed bill will prohibit commercial vehicles, from travelling along CD Banks Avenue from the eastern boundary of North Newstead Avenue to the eastern boundary of Pendleton Avenue. The definition of commercial vehicle excludes: pickup trucks, emergency vehicles, including privately owned tow trucks when providing emergency service to non-commercial vehicles, vehicles making deliveries to nearby addresses, and vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of ten-thousand (10,000) pounds or less.
11/10/2020 |
71239 |
Closing of Maple Avenue at Kingshighway Boulevard
The proposed Board Bill would permanently close, barricade or otherwise impede the flow of traffic on Maple Avenue by blocking said traffic flow at the east curb line of North Kingshighway Boulevard at the intersection of the Maple Avenue and North Kingshighway Boulevard.
12/10/2020 |
71228 |
Quick Claim Deed for 3724 Aldine
This Board Bill authorizes and directs the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of “Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), a Quit Clair Deed to forever quit-claim unto the Veterans Community Project a certain City-owned property located at 3724 Aldine, in the City of St. Louis, Missouri.
12/10/2020 |
71225 |
Covid-19 Response Grant for Board of Elections
This Board Bill authorizes the Board of Elections to accept the Center for Tech and Civic Life (the “CTCL”) Covid-19 Response Grant of $1,034,200.00 to provide financial assistance to local election officials (“LEOs”) for expenses incurred between June 15, 2020 and December 31, 2020, associated with the safe administration of election responsibilities, including safe election day administration; poll worker recruitment, training and safety efforts; voter education and outreach for safe voting policies and procedures; and expanding and maintaining early in-person voting sites and expedited and improved vote-by-mail ballot processing.
The grant limits reimbursement to expenses incurred between June 15 and December 31, 2020, in accordance with an assessment called “Safe Voting Plan” prepared by the STL BEC. The grant precludes supplanting previously appropriated funds to BEC or the reduction in budgeted funds to the BEC during the term of this grant unless CTCL grant funds are to be returned.
11/09/2020 |
71217 |
Closing the St. Louis City Medium Security Institution (MSI)
This Board Bill, in accordance with Article XXV Section 1 of the St. Louis City Charter, and upon being recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, amend the duties of the Division of Corrections and Department of Health & Hospitals. It would direct the Commissioner of Corrections to begin the process of closing the St. Louis City Medium Security Institution (MSI), also known as the Workhouse, as a detainee center.
This Board Bill would direct the Board of Public Service and the Commissioner of Corrections to evaluate the City Justice Center to determine if more detainees could safely be held there and to perform a study of the Medium Security Institution to determine the feasibility of repurposing and to evaluate the ongoing costs of any plan to permanently close the facility. It would direct the Commissioner of Corrections to contact surrounding facilities to determine the per day cost of outsourcing the housing detainees in St. Louis City custody; a requirement for the Department of Personnel to interview corrections officers of the workhouse for open positions in city government. It requires the Department of Health to develop criteria for the hiring of social workers to be assigned to detainees with mental health issues and their families, and to be employees of a newly formed Division of Recidivism Reduction.
This board Bill would create a fund to be allocated to neighborhoods with high violent crime rates to be appropriated annually through neighborhood participatory budgeting process; upholding the City’s statutory requirement to detain individuals remanded to the City of St. Louis through the court system. It would direct the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to provide data as requested by the Board of Aldermen or any department or division of City Government facilitating the closure of the Medium Security Institution facility. It would also direct the Budget Director to analyze the net cost savings to the general fund if MSI is no longer operated as a detainee facility; and it contains an emergency clause.
07/24/2020 |
71199 |
Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for 5143 Delmar Blvd.
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 5143 Delmar Blvd. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement @ 95%. Renovation of a commercial building will occur.
08/24/2020 |
71198 |
Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan 811-817 North Kingshighway Blvd.
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 811-817 North Kingshighway Blvd. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 10-year tax abatement @ 95%. Renovation of a commercial building will occur.
08/24/2020 |
71186 |
Police Use of Force Policies
The overall purpose and/or reasons for the bill is to direct the Commissioner of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department to provide updates to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department’s Use of Force Policy.
The bill will require the Commissioner of Police to update the Use of Force Policy to include:
1. Ban officers from using chokeholds or strangleholds as a use of force method;
2. Require officers to use de-escalation tactics when appropriate and possible in place of use of force tactics;
3. Establish a duty to intervene policy, which would require officers to either stop or attempt to stop another sworn employee when force is being inappropriately applied or is no longer required; and
4. Edit the current use of force reporting policy to include comprehensive reporting and require officers to complete a report if a weapon is drawn and pointed at a civilian(s) regardless if the weapon was discharged or not.
The bill will improve the current use of force policy enacted by the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, which could lead a better relationship between the police and the communities they serve. As the Ferguson Commission report states, "The regular use of force has led many citizens to view the police as an occupying force in their neighborhoods, damaging community trust and making community safety even more difficult." According to the report, efforts to repair the relationship between police and the communities they serve "must begin through changes in use-of-force policies."
07/09/2020 |
71159 |
Honorary Naming of a Street to Alderman Samuel Moore Way
The proposed bill authorizes the installation of an honorary street sign, Alderman Samuel Moore Way, at the intersection of Garfield Avenue and Newstead Avenue.
06/07/2020 |
71154 |
Police Escort for Building Demolitions
The proposed bill would amend Section 1 of ordinance 63800 codified in Chapter 25.64.010 of the City’s code to charge of $150.00 to cover the cost to the City for providing police security escort services during Building Division demolitions, repairs, board-ups, and clean-ups of buildings or structures that have been declared public nuisances. It allows for a police security escort to be provided when, under the circumstances, such precaution is deemed prudent by the Building Commissioner and will help to reduce vacancy by increasing the holding costs of vacant buildings by enabling the City to recoup some of the cost of dealing with them.
06/07/2020 |
71146 |
Update to the City’s Environmental and Demolition Ordinances
This bill is intended to update the City’s Environmental and Demolition ordinances to protect the health and welfare of those engaged in commercial demolition work within the City of St. Louis’s limits as well as the public health of those who live and work near demolition sites and protect the citizenry from dangerous airborne contaminants. The bill also updates fees and penalties to achieve its goal.
05/07/2020 |
71139 |
3765 Lindell Blvd, Redevelopment
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3765 Lindell Blvd. Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill will allow a 5-year tax abatement @ 90%.
06/07/2020 |
71129 |
To permanently close, barricade or otherwise impede the flow of traffic on the 4400 block of West Belle Place
The proposed ordinance directs the Director of Streets to permanently close, barricade or otherwise impede the flow of traffic on the 4400 block of West Belle Place by blocking said traffic flow at the east curb line of North Taylor Avenue at the intersection of the 440 block of West Belle Place and North Taylor Avenue.
06/04/2020 |
71128 |
Closing of Finney Avenue at the West Curbline of Pendleton Avenue
The proposed ordinance directs the Director of Streets to permanently close, barricade or otherwise impede the flow of traffic on block of Finney Avenue by blocking said traffic flow at the west curb line of Pendleton Avenue at the intersection of the Finney Avenue and Pendleton Avenue.
06/04/2020 |
71125 |
Fire Arms Regulations
The proposed bill allows persons, business enterprises, and other entities, organizations, and groups who reserve any of the City of St. Louis’ park amenities by permit issued by the City’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry to exclude from the permitted area persons carrying firearms, in accordance with 571.107(15) of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, regardless of whether carried concealed on or about their person and whether they hold a concealed carry permit or endorsement. Additionally, the proposed bill requires that permittees are notified in writing at the time of application that they may, in accordance with 571.107(15) of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, exclude from the permitted area persons carrying firearms, in accordance with 571.107(15).
05/04/2020 |
71106 |
Amending the City's Temporary Food Permits
Board Bill Number 191 is designed to amend the City's temporary food permit process set forth in Ordinance 68597.
04/18/2020 |
71097 |
St. Louis Community Foundation Grant
This bill authorizes and directs the Director of the Department of Human Services, by and through the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging and on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to accept a Grant Award from the St. Louis Community Foundation in the amount of $26,000.
This grant is for the current fiscal year and to expend those funds for the City of St. Louis “You Matter! Motivating Low Income Older Persons to complete the Census” program as set forth in the Grant Award Agreement.
It authorizes the Director of the Department of Human Services, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to expend such funds as permitted by the Grant Award Agreement; and containing an Emergency Clause.
02/11/2020 |
71087 |
Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Vandeventer/Finney/Washington/Taylor Redevelopment Area.
This Board Bill amends Ordinance # 69410 (Which amended Ordinance #67013) dated February 21, 2013. Ordinance # 69410 approved a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Vandeventer/Finney/Washington/Taylor Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill extends the time to complete projects in the area to May 1, 2029.
03/03/2020 |
71086 |
Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Washington/Vandeventer/Enright/Pendleton Redevelopment Area.
This Board Bill amends Ordinance # 69519 (Which amended Ordinance #64728) dated July 24, 2013. Ordinance # 69519 approved a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Washington/Vandeventer/Enright/Pendleton Redevelopment Area. This Board Bill extends the time to complete projects in the area to May 1, 2029.
03/03/2020 |
71064 |
Prohibiting Conversion Therapy
An ordinance prohibiting medical and mental healthcare providers from providing conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, ex-gay therapy, or sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts to a minor, regardless of whether the provider receives compensation in exchange for such services, and providing penalties for the violation of said prohibition; and authorizing the Director of the Health Department to receive, investigate, and refer to the City 6 BB Counselor for prosecution in municipal court complaints of alleged violations of the provisions of this ordinance, and containing an emergency clause.
12/23/2019 |
71063 |
2018 International Energy Conservation Code
An Ordinance to amend the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code; and containing a severability clause, savings clause, and an effective date.
01/23/2020 |
71054 |
Prohibiting Firearms in City Parks
The proposed Bill would prohibit persons from carrying on or about their person any pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, or other firearm in any City of St. Louis park, athletic fields and facilities, or recreation facilities, regardless of whether it is exposed to view either in whole or in part, except as provided in section 15.130.010 of the City of St. Code of Ordinances, which is set forth below:
01/13/2020 |
71053 |
No Hungry Kid
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of the Department of Human Services, on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to accept a Grant Award from the Family and Community Trust in the amount of $35,000.00 from the No Kid Hungry Missouri SY19 Summer Special Grant Program and to expend those funds as a part of the City of St. Louis Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) - After School Meal Program and the Summer Food Service Programs (SFSP) starting in the 2019-2020 school year as set forth in the Grant Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A; appropriating said funds and authorizing the Director of Human Services, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to expend such funds as permitted by the Grant Award Agreement; and containing an Emergency Clause.
11/26/2019 |
71051 |
Honorary Street Name - Pastor Nelson Watts, Sr. and Rosetta Watts Lane
Honorary Street Name - Pastor Nelson Watts, Sr. and Rosetta Watts Lane
12/26/2019 |
71026 |
Cure Violence
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, making a supplemental appropriation to the Annual Budget Ordinance 70963 for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 amounting to the sum of Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000) for the purpose of providing funding for the violence prevention alternative program, “Cure Violence,” and containing an Emergency Clause.
10/11/2019 |
71013 |
Redevelopment Plan for 5125 Enright
An ordinance approving a blighting study and Redevelopment Plan for the 5125 Enright Ave.
08/26/2019 |
71001 |
Redevelopment Plan for 4629-31 & 4715 Washington
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 4629-4631 & 4715 Washington Blvd.
08/17/2019 |
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