Ordinance 66860

Street vending downtown

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An ordinance pertaining to street vending within the Downtown Vending District; amending Section Four of Ordinance 65061 to adjust the boundaries of the Downtown Vending District and amending Section Thirty of Ordinance 65061 by adding a new paragraph restricting street vending within a defined portion of the Downtown Vending District to a person who is a designated redeveloper for the South Downtown Project Area or who has entered into a valid vending agreement with a designated redeveloper for the South Downtown Project Area and containing an emergency clause.


Session: 2005-2006

Board Bill Number: 255

Primary Sponsors: Phyllis Young

Committee: Streets, Traffic and Refuse

Effective: 11/08/2005

Legislative History

  • 09/23/2005

    First Reading

  • 10/21/2005

    Second Reading

  • 10/28/2005


  • 10/28/2005

    Third Reading

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