Obtain a Commercial Fumigation Permit

Instructions for fumigators in the City of St. Louis to obtain a fumigation permit from the Department of Health.


Fumigators working on a commercial property in the city may obtain a permit from the Health Department following the instructions provided.

While our inspectors are conducting the inspections, they will be looking for the following items:

  • Premise should be sealed to confine the fumigant to the intended space (Revised code 11.08.230)
  • Warning signs shall be posted on all doors or entrances (Revised code 11.08.240)
  • While the fumigation is in process up until the premises is properly ventilated, alert watchman on duty at the entrance of the building (Revised code 11.08.270)
  • Doors and windows securely locked and fastened (Revised code 11.08.290)
  • Licensed Fumigant Operator present during fumigant release & initial ventilation (Revised code 11.08.320)
  • Proper ventilation, not entered until safe (Revised code 11.08.280)
  • Proper handling and disposal of fumigants (Revised code 11.08.330)

The full fumigation code can be found here.


In order to approve the application for the fumigation being done within city limits, you must assemble and submit the following items at least a week before fumigation.


Submit all the items above to health@stlouis-mo.gov.

What to Expect

Once we receive the permit/application, we will have it signed by the director and return it to you. Once the signed copy is received, the fumigation has been officially approved.

Generally, the inspector assigned to supervise the fumigation will conduct a visit to the site 3 times.

  • Once, when the start time is indicated on the application.
  • Second, at a point in the middle of the fumigation.
  • Third, when the end time is indicated on the application.

Additional Information

Questions please call: (314) 657-1480


Community Sanitation


(314) 657-1539

1520 Market St, Rm 4051
St. Louis, MO 63103

Contact the Community Sanitation

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