Apply for a Non-Residential Disabled Parking Space Permit

Information on how to apply for a Non-Residential Disabled Parking Space Permit.


Businesses and not-for-profit organizations with establishments in the City of St. Louis and who otherwise meet the criteria listed below may apply for a Non-Residential Disabled Parking Space Permit at the location of their operations.

The following are eligible for a Non-Residential Disabled Parking Space Permit:

  1. Any owner or manager of any public or private building providing fewer than 25 off-street parking spaces;
  2. Any not-for-profit organization with offices providing fewer than 25 off-street parking spaces.

The Office on the Disabled reserves the right to decide whether to grant an application depending on circumstances in the affected area, even if the application is otherwise complete. Circumstances at the location, such as, for example, no parking on that side of the street or items such as driveways, fire hydrants, proximity to stop signs or crosswalks, and the presence of multiple other non-residential disabled parking spaces may make designating a non-residential parking space at the specified location impossible or impractical.


The following must be provided with the completed application:

  • The name and address of the business or not-for-profit organization;
  • Specification of number and location of non-residential disabled parking spaces requested;
  • Payment of the fee for businesses at $100.00 for the first year if a for-profit business;
  • Copy of a recognition of Section 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service if a not-for-profit tax exempt organization (not-for-profit organizations are not required to pay a fee);
  • Approval of the property owner for the designation of the parking spaces requested for disabled parking if the business or not-for-profit organization does not own the location.


Submit your completed application, $100 fee if a for-profit business, a copy of your 501(c)(3) status if a non-profit business.

By mail:

Office on the Disabled
1200 Market Street, Room 30
St. Louis Missouri 63103

By fax: (314) 622-4019

By email:


If you run a for-profit business, your fee is $100 for the first year.

If you run a non-profit business, there is no fee, but you must provide a copy of your section 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service.

What to Expect

After the application is verified and processed, the Street Inspector will check out the location for designated parking spaces. If approved, signs will be installed within no longer than two to four weeks.

Additional Information

Only the vehicle with disabled placards or license plates may park in the designated space. If other vehicles use the space illegally, the vehicle owner may receive a ticket with a fine of $50.00 to $200.00.

Space holders must follow rules regarding street cleaning, no parking signs, snow route, and emergency evacuation by police or fire department, etc.

Please call 911 to report illegal vehicles in a space.


Office on the Disabled

(314) 622-3686

1200 Market Street, Room 30
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday

Contact the Office on the Disabled

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