Mayor Tishaura O. Jones Hosts Senior Citizen Roundtable, Proposes New Effort to Help St. Louis Seniors with Property Tax Freeze Legislation

The legislation being finalized would freeze property taxes for seniors beginning with 2023 levels

October 4, 2023 | 2 min reading time

This article is 2 years old. It was published on October 4, 2023.

Today, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones, Ald. Anne Schweitzer (1), Ald. Laura Keys (11), the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging (SLAAA), Assessor Michael Dauphin, and local senior citizens held a roundtable to discuss legislation to freeze property taxes for seniors in the City of St. Louis. This tax freeze is permissible under recently enacted state law, and St. Charles County recently enacted legislation to freeze taxes for seniors. This legislation stems from the passage of a new law (SB 190) enacted by the State of Missouri earlier this year.

“While the City of St. Louis invests in long left-behind neighborhoods, we can take advantage of new opportunities to help seniors stay in their homes and get some relief from rising property values,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “As we work to finalize legislative proposals, I am thankful to our senior citizens for their insight this morning and to City leaders for their work to support our seniors.”

The legislation being finalized would freeze property taxes for seniors beginning with 2023 levels. As seniors become eligible for the program moving forward, their property tax values would be frozen at subsequent property tax year levels. The Mayor’s Office has also been in communication with key stakeholders to ensure revenue for public schools and other institutions like the St. Louis Zoo as well as museums would be protected. Those aged 62 and older would be eligible.

This is the latest effort by the City of St. Louis to support seniors. In 2021, the City launched the SiLVERs Sustainable Electric Vehicle Shuttle Program to provide non-emergency rides to elders and distribute food to homebound seniors across St. Louis. The Real Estate Tax Assistance Fund has helped dozens of families keep their homes. Mayor Jones has made a significant investment to help streamline the Community Development Administration’s Healthy Home Repair program, which has already completed more projects this summer than the entirety of 2022. A full list of programming to support St. Louis seniors can be found on the City’s website.

  • Contact Information:

  • Department:
    Office of the Mayor
    St. Louis Area Agency on Aging
    Office of the Assessor
  • Topic:
    Taxation and Revenue

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