Appeal a Property Assessment
Information on how to appeal your Property Assessment from the Assessor's Office.
On This Page
The information on this page pertains only to property located within the City of St Louis, Missouri. If your property is not in the St Louis City ,you may need to contact the St Louis County, Missouri Assessor's Office, or the Assessor's Office in the county in which your property is located.
The Assessor's Office holds informal hearings each year from May 1st through June 23rd.
Gather helpful evidence which may include:
- A recent sales contract
- An appraisal performed by a licensed real estate appraiser
- Sales of comparable properties
- Photographs of any defects
- Income and expense information (if applicable).
Please contact us by email at and give the parcel number and/or address of the property you are appealing. If you do not have access to email, please call 314-622-4185 and leave a message.
The best way to contact us for an appeal is by email at and give the parcel number and/or address of the property you are appealing. If leaving a phone message at 314-622-4185, please make sure you leave a phone number and the parcel number or address of the property you are wanting to appeal. Informal appeals will be accepted from May 1st until June 23rd.
What to Expect
An appraiser will consider your evidence. If you are not satisfied with the decision, you may appeal to the Board of Equalization. See Additional Information below.
Additional Information
Board of Equalization (BOE): If not satisfied with an informal hearing, the BOE gives the taxpayer the opportunity to be heard by a review board.
- BOE appeals must be placed with the Assessor's Office by the 2nd Monday in July
- The taxpayer and the Assessor's Office both present evidence and the Board makes a final determination on the value.
- The BOE is in session from July until the last Saturday in August
Taxpayers must request an appeal form for the Board of Equalization by calling 314-622-4185, emailing to, or by writing to: Board of Equalization, Room 120 – City Hall, 1200 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63103.
State Tax Commission (STC): If a taxpayer is not satisfied with the Board of Equalization decision, they can appeal to the State Tax Commission.
- At this level, a Hearing Officer hears the case in a courtroom type setting.
- Residential property owners can represent themselves, however a commercial property owner must have legal representation
- There must be an appeal to the BOE prior to an appeal to the STC (with limited exceptions including newly purchased property).
- Appeals to the STC are due by September 30th, or 30 days after a BOE decision, whichever is later.
Assessor - Real Estate Assessment and Appraisal
(314) 622-4185
1200 Market St,
Room 120
St. Louis, MO 63103
8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday