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Prosperity, Opportunity & Employment Projects

Information on how to develop an asset inventory of your neighborhood or community.

Existing buildings with historic architectural features, unique design elements, or historical significance add character and charm to a neighborhood

By encouraging stores to improve their food and service offerings to be more healthy and local, they encourage and enable healthier eating habits.

A timebank is a currency, like money, that can be traded among neighbors. In this case, the currency is an hour of time. An hour of help earns one credit.

It operates much like a traditional library, where residents check out tools and return them about a week later.

Host themed walking or biking tours of your neighborhood to encourage urban exploration, active lifestyles, and to offer unique insight to your neighborhood for residents and visitors.

Preservation maximizes the use of existing materials and infrastructure, reduces waste, and preserves the historic character and charm of a neighborhood.

A shop local campaign is an advertising campaign and/or fund-raising effort to highlight the benefits of shopping at locally owned and operated businesses and increase patronage at those businesses.

Weatherization or weatherproofing is the process of protecting a building and its interior to reduce energy use and lower energy costs

Information and resources on installing a rain garden or bioswales.

Cool roofs are highly reflective roofs that absorb less heat from sunlight and keep your building cooler
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