File a Joint Civilian Complaint

File a complaint against St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and St. Louis City Detention Facilities

Check On a Joint Civilian Complaint

If you have already submitted a joint civilian complaint, you can check on the status of your joint civilian complaint here.

Alleged Misconduct

Your Information

Gender (Mark all that apply)

Race (Mark all that apply)

Disability (Mark all that apply)

Alternate Contact

In case we are unable to reach you, who else can we contact?

Legal Info and Contact

Incident Information

Your complaint may be eligible for mediation. Please check box if you would be interested in allowing a mediator to hear your case. This will not disqualify your complaint from COB review.


Police or Corrections report, complaint, or incident number, if applicable.

Please provide Officer Name and Badge Number if known.

If yes, please provide copies.


We accept .gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.tiff,.bmp,.pdf,.txt,.rtf,.csv,.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx, .zip files under 50 MB.

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