CH 1.1 General Administration
Publication Date: 08/07/2020
Document Type: Informational Pages
Corrections Division
Any Policy and Procedure not made available is closed under RSMO 610.021 (18) because the information in the record will, "... impair the public governmental body’s ability to protect the security or safety of persons or real property, and ...nondisclosure outweighs the public interest in disclosure of the records."
1.1.1 Legal Authority (56.42 KB)
1.1.2 Mission Statement, Core Values, and Goals (137.36 KB)
1.1.3 Adult and Juvenile Separation (59.63 KB)
1.1.4 Staff Communication I (145.34 KB)
1.1.5 Policy & Procedures Manual I (131.84 KB)
1.1.8 Organizational Chart I (109.10 KB)
1.1.9 Contract Services I (60.91 KB)
1.1.14 Internal Affairs I (154.91 KB)
1.1.15 Staff Mail (123.38 KB)
1.1.16 Facility Tours (139.45 KB)
1.1.17 Officer of the Day I (66.62 KB)
1.1.18 News Media Access and Public Information (183.30 KB)
1.1.20 Administrative Inspection (127.96 KB)
1.1.21 Records Retention & Release of Public Records I (157.13 KB)
1.1.22 Computers and Communication I (160.30 KB)
1.1.23 Research (90.03 KB)
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