REALTORS® Provide $500,000 in Relief After Historic Floods

Missouri, St. Louis and St. Charles REALTORS® make $500,000 in Disaster Relief available to Missouri Residents impacted by the July 2022 flooding.

August 24, 2022 | 2 min reading time

This article is 2 years old. It was published on August 24, 2022.

In collaboration with the National Association of REALTORS® Relief Foundation, Missouri REALTORS®, St. Louis REALTORS®, and St. Charles REALTORS® are proud to make $500,000 in Disaster Relief available to Missouri Residents impacted by the historic flooding that occurred in July 2022.

“The devastation to our community has been heartbreaking. As REALTORS®, we know the importance of having a safe and secure place to live and are honored to provide mortgage or rental payment assistance for those whose homes were impacted by the floods,” said Katie Berry, 2022 President of St. Louis REALTORS®.

Through October 28, 2022, residents who were displaced from or are dealing with severe damage to their primary residence may be eligible for a grant of up to $1,500 to assist with one month’s mortgage or rental payment. More details about this grant program, including an application with required documentation, are available at

“We have encouraged REALTORS® across the region to connect with their friends, family, and client network to let everyone know these funds are available to hopefully help ease some of the financial burden created by this terrible disaster,” noted Matt Becker, 2022 President of the St. Charles REALTORS®.

Individuals or organizations who wish to contribute to the Missouri REALTORS® Relief Foundation may do so through the following options:

  • Online via PayPal
  • By mail to:
    Missouri REALTORS®
    2005 W Broadway, Suite 210
    Columbia, MO 65203
    Checks made payable to “Missouri REALTORS® Relief Foundation” (please do not send cash)
  • By phone to 573-445-8400 (please do not leave credit card information on our voicemail)

“The REALTORS® Relief Foundation was established in 2001 by then-President Richard Mendenhall, from Columbia, Missouri, to respond to disasters like the floods in St. Louis. Since then, REALTORS® have contributed more than $35 million to communities across the country, including those impacted by the Joplin tornadoes in 2011,” said John Mayfield, 2022 President of Missouri REALTORS®.

Individuals or organizations who wish to contribute to the REALTORS® Relief Foundation may do so through the following options:

  • Contact Information:
    Sarah Russell, CEM
    CEMA Commissioner (they/them)
    Mobile Phone: (314) 696-9067
  • Department:
    City Emergency Management Agency
  • Topic:

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