Pursuing Excellence

The Pursuing Excellence program provides individualized services to high-risk youth and their families with intensive supports that utilize best practices in wraparound advocacy services related to mentoring, restorative justice and positive youth development.

Program Overview

Program participants of Pursuing Excellence, run by the Youth Advocate Program (YAP), receive up to an average of 8 hours per week of individual and group services; However, the amount of service any participant receives is based on individual need. Services take place in community-based settings (i.e., homes, schools, and job sites) during the times that are most convenient for participants, such as evenings and weekends. The goal of the program is to move youth away from deeper involvement in violence and the juvenile justice system through coordinated interventions.

The program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

The program is operated by Youth Advocate Program: https://www.yapinc.org/

Program Eligibility

Services provided by Pursuing Excellence are available to youth ages 12-17 who are at risk of or currently involved in violence and/or the juvenile justice system.

Program Contact Information

Individuals seeking information or services can call: 314-978-8391.


Download the Youth Advocate Program resource flyer for a quick way to share important information and resources for youth in need. 


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