Harambee Youth Training Program
The Harambee Youth Training Program offers skills classes and hands-on learning opportunities while providing youth a chance to help their community.
Program Overview
The Harambee Youth Training Program is operated by Restore Saint Louis and offers community service days and essential life skills classes for people aged 12-18. The service projects involve tuckpointing work on homes of local low-income families and individuals. The program uses a combination of volunteering and classroom training to give at-risk youth an opportunity to develop a healthy work ethic, self-discipline, confidence, profitable trade skills, and to learn the dynamics of working in a team setting.
The program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
The program is operated by Restore Saint Louis: https://restorestlouis.org/harambee-youth-training/
Program Eligibility
The program works with youth between the ages of 12 and 18.
If reasonable suspicion arises, youth will be drug tested. Youth must test negative to continue in Harambee's programs.
Program Contact Information
Individuals seeking information can contact Restore Saint Louis by calling (314) 726-4988 or emailing jeffrey@ncfstl.org.