Sheriff's Office

The Sheriff's office is responsible for the security of the courtrooms of the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit Court and serves court papers and eviction notices.

(314) 622-4851 More contact info

The Sheriff's Office is responsible for the safety and security of thirty-one divisional courtrooms of the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit Court and the transportation of prisoners between the Courts and detention facilities. The Sheriff also has the duty of serving court papers, eviction notices, and issuing concealed carry permits.

Land Tax Sales

Land tax sales are events during which the City auctions off properties when the owner has not paid real estate taxes. At a land tax sale, properties are auctioned off with the bidding starting at the amount of taxes owed on the property.

Land tax sales are held several times a year. A list of the properties that will be up for bid at each sale are posted two weeks before the date of the sale.

Read more about Land Tax Sales

Upcoming Events

Contact Information

Phone: (314) 622-4851
Fax: (314) 622-3414

Monday - Friday (except Holidays)
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Additional Contacts:

10 N. Tucker Blvd - 8th Floor , Civil Courts Building
St. Louis, Missouri 63101

Carnahan Courts
1114 Market Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63101
(314) 622-4131

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