Mobility and Transportation Master Plan

Develop a Mobility and Transportation Master Plan to develop core values and guidelines for infrastructure improvements, comprehensive engineering plan that will identify traffic safety issues, and provide recommendations on improvements Plan will engage stakeholders, evaluate current policies improvement plans, provide recommendations and implementation strategy for a consistent, uniform approach to traffic calming city wide

Project Appropriation

Project Appropriation

Total Programmed Funds

Total Programmed Funds
100.0% programmed of total appropriation

Total Expenditures

Total Expenditures
33.7% expended of total appropriation

Project Expenditures

Project Expenditures
Date Account Vendor Amount
04/19/2024 566000 CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. $18,333.24
05/21/2024 566000 CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. $26,791.93
06/18/2024 566000 CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. $29,339.99
07/22/2024 566000 CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. $45,018.82
08/21/2024 566000 CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. $21,328.20
09/23/2024 566000 CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. $199,938.05
10/16/2024 566000 CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. $80,286.34


  • Appropriated Funds: Total amount of authorized funding set aside for a specific purpose
  • Programmed Funds: Estimate and Apportionment (E&A) approved contracts, personnel services, Board Bill approved Intergovernmental agreements (IGA)
  • Expenditures: Total amount spent by departments

Notes and Contact

SLFRF reporting will be updated on a rolling monthly basis.

The Project and Expenditure data reported is through Nov 30, 2024.

The data was last updated on Feb 06, 2025.

SLFRF - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds ($498,076,054.00)

Please contact if you have questions about the data.

See Also

An overview of ARPA data can also be found on the ARPA Transparency Portal

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