Board Bill Number 37 In Session 2017-2018

Ordinance regarding Confederate Memorials


BOARD BILL No. 37 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN JOHN COLLINS MUHAMMAD, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance authorizing and directing the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Director to provide to the Members of the Board of Aldermen within 30 days of this ordinance becoming law, a comprehensive list of all Confederate Statues, Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis; requiring the removal of all such Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis within 120 days of this ordinance becoming law except if they are located inside a Museum designed for the preservation of History; prohibiting the future installation or placement of Confederate Statues, Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis, except if they are located inside a Museum designed for the preservation of History; requiring the renaming of all Streets, Drives or Boulevards in any parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis with the name of Confederate within 60 days of this ordinance becoming law; and specifically requiring Confederate Drive in Forest Park be renamed SCOTT JOPLIN DRIVE within 60 days of this ordinance becoming law; authorizing a Committee be formed, within 30 days of this ordinance becoming law consisting of the Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, Treasurer, & Chair of the Parks Committee, to raise private funds to remove all such Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of S. Louis except if they are located inside a Museum designed for the preservation of History and requiring said private funds be placed in a special City account created to receive and spend the private funds raised to remove said Confederate Memorials, Monuments, and Flags and containing an emergency clause.



Session: 2017-2018

Primary Sponsors: Sharon Tyus

Committee: Parks and Environment

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  • 05/19/2017

    First Reading

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