Board Bill Number 208 In Session 2017-2018

Transfer of funds to the Airport Development Fund


BOARD BILL 208 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS An ordinance recommended and approved by the Airport Commission, the Comptroller and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, making certain findings with respect to the transfer of up to Thirteen Million Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($13,727,769) of excess moneys that The City of St. Louis (the "City"), the owner and operator of St. Louis Lambert International Airport™ (the "Airport"), intends to transfer from the Debt Service Stabilization Fund (the "DSSF") to the Airport Revenue Fund (the "Revenue Fund") in accordance with Section 516.B of the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport Indenture of Trust between the City, as Grantor, and UMB Bank, N.A., as Trustee, dated as of October 15, 1984, as amended and restated as of July 1, 2009, as amended and supplemented (the "Indenture"); authorizing a transfer in an amount not to exceed Thirteen Million Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($13,727,769) from the DSSF into the Revenue Fund during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, to be used to make funds available to mitigate rates on an annual basis during the term of the Airport Use and Lease Agreement commencing July 1, 2016; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.



Session: 2017-2018

Primary Sponsors: Marlene E Davis

Ordinance: 70698 effective 01/19/2018

Committee: Transportation and Commerce

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 12/08/2017

    First Reading

  • 12/15/2017

    Second Reading

  • 01/05/2018


  • 01/12/2018

    Third Reading


01/12/2018 Vote Results

Aye Votes 27
No Votes 0
Final Passage Vote

View vote details


Ordinance Number: 70698

Effective Date: 01/19/2018

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