Board Bill Number 8 Votes In Session 2016-2017
Vacation of Wise between Kingshighway and Brother Thornton Way
Board Bill
BOARD BILL #8 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JOSEPH RODDY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate above surface, surface and sub-service rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in 1. A 30 foot portion of Wise between Kingshighway and Brother Thornton Way (vac.) abutting 4946 and 4947 Wise (aka Lot 13 in City Block 3996 and Lot 59 in City Block 5592). 2. A 30 foot portion of the 15 foot wide east/west alley in City Block 5592 abutting 4947 Wise etc. in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
05/20/2016 Final Passage Vote Results
Ward | Alderman | Position |
1 | Sharon Tyus | Aye |
3 | Freeman M Bosley Sr. | Aye |
5 | Tammika Hubbard | Aye |
7 | Jack Coatar | Aye |
8 | Stephen Conway | Aye |
9 | Kenneth Ortmann | Aye |
10 | Joseph Vollmer | Aye |
11 | Thomas A Villa | Aye |
12 | Larry Arnowitz | Aye |
14 | Carol Howard | Aye |
16 | Donna Baringer | Aye |
17 | Joseph D Roddy | Aye |
18 | Terry Kennedy | Aye |
19 | Marlene E Davis | Aye |
20 | Cara Spencer | Aye |
21 | Antonio D French | Aye |
22 | Jeffrey L Boyd | Aye |
23 | Joseph Vaccaro | Aye |
24 | Scott Ogilvie | Aye |
26 | Frank Williamson | Aye |
27 | Chris Carter | Aye |
28 | Lyda Krewson | Aye |
President | Lewis E Reed | Aye |
4 | Samuel L Moore | No |
2 | Dionne Flowers | Absent |
6 | Christine Ingrassia | Absent |
13 | Beth Murphy | Absent |
15 | Megan E Green | Absent |
25 | Shane Cohn | Absent |