Ordinance 69892
2014 Lead grant bill
BOARD BILL NO. 196 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERWOMAN PHYLLIS YOUNG, ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An ordinance, recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, authorizing the Mayor of the City of St. Louis, on behalf of the City, to apply for funding under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control being offered pursuant to a Federal Fiscal Year 2014 Notice of Funding Availability (the “NOFA”) for the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant (LHRD) Program, authorizing the Mayor and the Comptroller on behalf of the City to enter into and execute agreements with HUD for the receipt of Fiscal Year 2014 Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration, appropriating the sum of a maximum federal obligation of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000) awarded through the LHRD Grant Program, and directing the Director of Public Safety and the Building Commissioner, the Health Commissioner and Director of the Community Development Administration (CDA) to contract with municipal agencies, non-profit corporations and other entities as necessary for the expenditure of LHRD funds for the purpose of expansion and continuation of the Mayor’s Lead Safe St. Louis Comprehensive Action Plan which will include activities such as lead screening, testing, outreach, education, inspection services, clearance testing, lead hazard remediation, enforcement, temporary relocation , administration, and directing the Comptroller to issue warrants thereon upon the City Treasury; and containing an emergency clause.
Session: 2014-2015
Board Bill Number: 196
Primary Sponsors: Craig N Schmid
Committee: Health and Human Services
Effective: 12/18/2014
Samuel L Moore, Phyllis Young, Kenneth Ortmann, Larry Arnowitz, Beth Murphy, Carol Howard, Megan E Green, Donna Baringer, Marlene E Davis, Joseph Vaccaro, Frank Williamson, President Lewis E Reed
Legislative History
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading