Ordinance 71714
Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis
This bill pertains to the Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis (the “System”) by repealing Section One of Ordinance 71161 and enacting a new provision in order to comply with the federal Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2022 (the “Secure Act 2.0”). This bill will preserve the System’s “qualified status” from the Internal Revenue Service and afford the System’s participants’ continued favorable tax treatment by permitting the System’s assets to grow tax free and to prevent the participants from being taxed when a participating employer makes a contribution to the System.
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Bill text was introduced (304.94 KB PDF).
06/23/2023Referred to a Committee
The bill was assigned to the Budget and Public Employees Committee.
06/28/2023Committee Hearing
The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Budget and Public Employees Committee hearing.
06/30/2023Second Reading
The bill was passed.
The bill was engrossed during the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.
07/14/2023Third Reading
The bill was passed.
07/14/2023Delivered to Mayor
07/31/2023Mayor Returns Bill
The bill was approved.
07/31/2023Delivered to Register
08/02/2023Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number
Register returns ordinance number 71714. Effective date is 07/31/2023
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