Ordinances by Topic Elections and Voting

Ordinances tagged with this topic

List all 13 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71736 Repealing Section 2.08.010 of the City’s Code Concerning the Nomination of Candidates for the Offices of Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, and Aldermen
The proposed bill repeals Section 2.08.010 of the City’s Code, which provides the nomination of candidates for the offices of Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen and Aldermen at a primary election. In lieu thereof of a new Section 2.08.010 is enacted that eliminates the primary requirement where two or fewer candidates file declarations of intent pursuant to Section 2.08.050 or if two or more candidates file declarations of intent and a candidate or candidates withdraw pursuant to 2.08.400 leaving two or fewer candidates. In such cases the two candidates or candidate shall advance to the general election.
71607 Prop C - Establishing a City Charter Commission
The bill proposes an amendment to the City’s Charter that would establish a Charter Commission to consider and recommend amendments and revisions to the voters on a decennial basis following the census or upon initiative by the qualified voters of the City as provided in the bill.
70875 An ordinance revising The Transparency in Government Law, Ordinance 69707 and Ordinance 70321,
An ordinance revising The Transparency in Government Law, Ordinance 69707 and Ordinance 70321, codified at Chapter 3.115 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, to require the effective closed captioning of all public meetings of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, including committee meetings; the Board of Estimate & Apportionment; and the Preservation Board.
70866 Board of Elections Candidate Withdrawal
An ordinance revising Section 1, (B)(1), of Ordinance No. 59982, approved July 31st, 1986, codified as Section 2.08.400(B)(1), of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinances, pertaining to the last date on which a candidate may withdraw from a primary election from forty (40) days prior to the date of the primary election to fifty (50) days prior to the date of the primary election; and containing an emergency clause.
70865 Board of Elections Sample Ballot
An ordinance revising Section 2.08.120, of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinances, pertaining to the Board of Election Commissioners preparing sample official ballots, so as to provide for the placement of candidates on said ballots in the order they are to appear on the ballot rather than alphabetically as is currently provided; and containing an emergency clause.
70864 Board of Elections Payment to Party
An ordinance amending Section 2, of Ordinance No. 58267, approved March 19, 1981 and codified as Section 2.08.060 of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the City of St. Louis, pertaining to candidate payments to the political party upon whose ticket he or she proposes as a candidate and seeks nomination, one percent of the annual salary of the office for which he or she is a candidate, to permit a candidate to submit said payments to the Board of Election Commissioners at the time the candidate files his or her declaration of candidacy; and containing an emergency clause.
70781 An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits;
An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits; amending Ordinance 70357 Sections 1 and 3, and repealing Section 4 of said ordinance, to acknowledge newly passed State of Missouri maximum limits on campaign contributions and to decrease maximum limits on campaign contributions for local elections as provided herein.
70769 Tower Grove South Concerned Citizens Special Business District
An ordinance renewing the Tower Grove South Concerned Citizens Special Business District pursuant to Sections 71.790 through 71.808 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, setting its boundaries, tax rate, initial rate of levy subject to the approval of the qualified voters, bonding authority, and uses to which tax revenue may be put; creating a board of commissioners; and containing severability, effectiveness, and emergency clauses.
70507 Assistance to local election authorities
BOARD BILL NO. 287 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN BOYD An ordinance authorizing the St. Louis City Board of Election Commissioners (the “SLBEC”) upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to expend any funds received by the SLBEC from the 2016-2018 awarded by the Missouri Secretary of State (“the SOS”) to provide assistance to local election authorities (“LEAs”) to improve election processes with state funds to assist with election activities, systems and equipment maintenance, voting equipment purchases, maintaining voter lists and polling place accessibility; to fulfill the obligations of said Grant, limited to expenditures covered entirely by grant funds and containing an emergency clause.
70392 Election Approving Permit Fees for Short-Term Loan Establishments
BOARD BILL NO. 70 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN An ordinance calling and providing for the holding of an election in the City of St. Louis on November 8, 2016, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis the question of charging a fee for the issuance of a permit for the operation of a Short-Term Loan Establishment, and directing the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen to notify the responsible election authorities of this election.
70391 Short-Term Lending Code
BOARD BILL NO. 69 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN An ordinance amending the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis by amending Section 26.08.384 (and Section 3 of Ordinance 68185) and adding a new Section, titled the “City of St. Louis Short-Term Lending Code,” pertaining to the regulation of Short-Term Loan Establishments, as defined herein.
70357 Ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits
BOARD BILL NO. 53CSAA INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE AND ALDERWOMEN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, CARA SPENCER, MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, DONNA BARINGER, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An ordinance pertaining to campaign contribution limits; containing findings; containing definitions; campaign contribution limitation amounts; adjustments to limitation amounts; determination of maximum contribution; contributions from persons under fourteen; filing campaign finance disclosure reports; establishment of the Municipal Officials and Officers Ethics Commission; duties of the Municipal Officials and Officers Ethics Commission; violations; a penalty clause; and a severability clause.
70259 Ordinance requiring online record of Board of Aldermen votes
BOARD BILL NO. 309 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE AND ALDERWOMEN CARA SPENCER AND MEGAN ELLYIA GREEN, AND CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance requiring certain votes taken by the Board of Aldermen to be published online, containing a Severability Clause and an effective date.

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