Ordinance 71607
Prop C - Establishing a City Charter Commission
The bill proposes an amendment to the City’s Charter that would establish a Charter Commission to consider and recommend amendments and revisions to the voters on a decennial basis following the census or upon initiative by the qualified voters of the City as provided in the bill.
Christine Ingrassia, Bill Stephens, Tina (Sweet-T) Pihl, Cara Spencer
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Bill text was introduced (145.49 KB PDF).
06/03/2022Referred to a Committee
The bill was assigned to the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee.
06/15/2022Committee Hearing
The bill was held in committee during the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee hearing.
07/05/2022Committee Hearing
The bill was held in committee during the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee hearing.
11/21/2022Committee Hearing
The bill was held in committee during the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee hearing.
12/06/2022Committee Hearing
The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee hearing.
The bill text was changed:
- Committee Substitute (147.29 KB PDF)
12/09/2022Second Reading
The bill was placed on the informal calendar.
The bill was passed.
The bill text was changed:
- As Amended on the Floor (149.61 KB PDF)
The bill was passed.
The bill text was changed:
- As Amended on the Floor (150.88 KB PDF)
The bill was assigned to the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.
01/20/2023Third Reading
The bill was passed.
01/20/2023Delivered to Mayor
01/23/2023Mayor Returns Bill
The bill was approved.
01/23/2023Delivered to Register
01/24/2023Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number
Register returns ordinance number 71607. Effective date is 01/23/2023
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