Ordinances by Topic Policy Making

Ordinances tagged with this topic

List all 69 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71943 Utility Coordination Policy
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 70924, codified as Chapter 25.74 of the Revised Code of Ordinance of the City of St. Louis and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance to be known as the “Utility Coordination” policy.
71934 Public Decency
An ordinance to repeal certain ordinances and sections within the revised code of the City of St. Louis relating to the acts of public decency, offenses against public peace, and other miscellaneous offenses.
71928 Amending Chapter 26 to Include Non-Traditional Housing/Special Residential Use
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on October 9, 2024, to update zoning regulations for special residential uses by: consolidating special residential use regulations into a new chapter of the Zoning Code; updating and adding definitions for special residential uses; providing an updated use table for special residential uses; establishing site requirements; and containing a severability and emergency clause. These changes will modernize the zoning code’s treatment of special residential uses, and establish greater predictability and clarity in the zoning approvals process.
71923 Industrial Development Bond Transaction to Facilitate a Sale
This Board Bill authorizes the City to enter into an industrial development bond transaction to facilitate a sales and use tax exemption on construction materials used to construct a development project consisting of an approximately 145,000-square-foot seven-story building (including approximately 173 apartment units and 2,000 square feet of commercial space) and related parking and infrastructure to be located southwest of the intersection of Clayton Avenue and Sarah Street. The industrial development bonds authorized by this Board Bill will be secured solely by lease payments made by the developer. The bonds do not constitute a debt of the City and are not payable from any City tax revenues.
71922 Adding City Offices to the List that Have Campaign Contribution Limits.
An Ordinance to amend Section 3.72.030 of the Revised Codes of the City of St. Louis to add Circuit Attorney to the list of offices that have campaign contribution limits.
71921 renaming of the Civil Courts Building in Honor of the Honorable Clyde S. Cahill, Jr.
An ordinance authorizing the renaming of the Civil Courts Building at 10 N Tucker Blvd. in honor of the Honorable Clyde S. Cahill, Jr., pursuant to Ordinance Number 68937.
71919 Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) Grant
This ordinance authorizes the City Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) to accept State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) grant of up to $198,317.91 pursuant to a Subaward Agreement with the State of Missouri Emergency Management Agency (SEMA). The ordinance appropriates such funds to the extent received along with a required local match of $49,579.48 and authorizes the CEMA Commissioner to expend those funds to purchase replacement network switches to strengthen the City’s cybersecurity posture.
71897 Operating Hours of Marijuana Dispensaries
An Ordinance amending Section B of Chapter 26.70.040 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis to extend the permitted operating hours of marijuana dispensaries.
71894 City Budget Process Ballot Measure
The bill submits to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis a proposal to change Article XVI, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of St. Louis to permit the Board of Aldermen to increase the amount of any item in the appropriations proposed in the City’s annual budget ordinance except amounts fixed by statute or for the payment of principal or interest of the City debt or for meeting any ordinance obligations. The bill calls for an election for voting on the change and the manner of voting at the election, and the publication, and certification, deposit, and recording as required. It contains an emergency clause.
71891 Speed Humps Various Location in the 13th Ward
The proposed bill directs the Director of Streets to install speed humps pursuant to Ordinance Number 70333 as amended by Ordinance Number 71394 to calm the flow of traffic on the 1500-1800 blocks of McLaren Avenue, the 8000 block of Church Drive.
71884 Stop Signs Various Locations 1st Ward
The proposed bill will establish various stop sites at the intersections throughout the 1st Ward regulating all traffic travelling on streets meeting at such intersections throughout the 1st Ward; and containing an emergency clause.
71880 Repealing Ordinance Numbers 56729 and 56579
he proposed bill repeals Chapter 11.28 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis pertaining to Abortions, by repealing: Section 11.28.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of Ordinance Number 56729 codified in Sections 11.28.010, 11.28.020, 11.28.030, 11.28.040, 11.28.050, 11.28.060, 11.28.070, 11.28.080, 11.28.090, and 11.28.100 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 or Ordinance Number 56579 codified in Section 11.28.230, 11.28.240, 11.28.250, 11.28.260, 11.28.270, 11.28.280, 11.28.290, 11.28.300, 11.28.310, 11.28.320, and 11.28.330, 11.28.340, 11.28.350, 11.28.360, and 11.28.370 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis.
71877 Regulations for Attorney Access to City Correctional and Detention Facilities
An ordinance that amends Title 16 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinances to add a chapter setting forth regulations for attorneys who access and enter city correctional and detention facilities when visiting with persons who are detained therein; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
71876 Airport Interim Financing Program
This Board Bill seeks to authorize the establishment of an interim financing program to incur indebtedness with an aggregate principal amount not to exceed Six Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($650,000,000) outstanding at any one time for the purpose of financing or refinancing costs of improvements to the Airport (the “Interim Indebtedness”) and to provide for the refinancing of all or a portion of the Interim Indebtedness with long-term financing through the issuance of Airport Revenue Refunding Bonds (the “Refunding Bonds”) under the Amended and Restated Indenture of Trust dated as of July 1, 2009, as amended and supplemented from time to time (the “Indenture”), including the revenues derived from the operation of the Airport (the “Airport Revenues”). The debt service costs associated with the Interim Indebtedness will be paid solely from Airport Revenues, on a basis subordinate to the holders of Airport Revenue Bonds issued under the Indenture. The debt service costs associated with the Refunding Bonds will be paid solely from Airport Revenues, on a basis equal to the holders of Airport Revenue Bonds issued under the Indenture. Proceeds of the Interim Indebtedness will be used to: (1) finance and refinance from time to time, on an interim basis, the costs of acquisition, expansion, construction, equipping and improvements to Airport facilities, including the refunding or refinancing of outstanding Interim Indebtedness, the refunding of outstanding bonds that have been or may be issued for purposes of the Airport, (2) finance all or a portion of capitalized interest, if any, and (3) finance certain costs of issuance in connection with the incurrence of the Interim Indebtedness. Refunding Bonds would be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed the amount necessary to pay or provide for the payment of the principal of and interest accrued on the outstanding Interim Indebtedness to be refunded and any amounts necessary for the payment of costs and expenses related to issuing such Refunding Bonds and to fund a debt service reserve fund for the Refunding Bonds, if any.
71864 ARPA Funds Reallocations
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment repealing Ordinance 71822 in its entirety, and amending Ordinance 71393, Ordinance 71494, Ordinance 71505, Ordinance 71554, Ordinance 71561, Ordinance 71591, Ordinance 71592, and Ordinance 71650 by reappropriating certain amounts specified herein in an aggregate amount of $13,819,393.64 for other purposes; and with an emergency clause.
71844 Amending the 2018 International Fire Code
This ordinance is to amend the 2018 International Fire Code to incorporate and implement best practices for periodic Fire Damper and Smoke Damper inspections. The 2018 IFC’s scope, definitions, and purposes remain intact.
71843 2601 Market Street Community Improvement District (CID)
This board bill is being introduced to establish the 2601 Market Community Improvement District (the “District”). The District will be comprised of a single parcel of property with a common street address of 2601 Market, St. Louis, MO 63103 (the “District Property”), which is generally located at northwest corner of the intersection of Market Street and Jefferson Avenue in Downtown West. The principal objective and purpose of the District is to provide a mechanism to provide funds to finance the District’s Projects, which will involve the redevelopment of the District Property through the construction of certain improvements in order to prepare the District Property for commercial uses. The District will cause the design and implementation of various District Projects located within the District Property. Such improvements may be undertaken in multiple phases or may occur in one phase. The contemplated improvements could consist of the construction, reconstruction, installation, repair and maintenance of any of the improvements and the provision of any of the services permitted by the Act including, but not necessarily limited to: (a) Removal, renovation, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or demolition of any buildings or structures within the blighted area of the District; (b) Repairing, maintaining and equipping of any buildings or structures within the District; (c) Any utility infrastructure; (d) Drainage, water, sewer, storm and sewer systems; (e) Convention center and meeting facilities; (f) Parking lots, garages or other traffic and parking improvements; (g) Sidewalks, streets and alleys; (h) Landscaping, hardscaping, pedestrian plazas and lighting; (i) Facility signage (roadway and monument); (j) Preparation and implementation of the District Projects; (k) Employing and/or contracting for personnel and services necessary to carry out the purposes of the District, including, but not limited to security personnel and security services, maintenance services, advertising, or assistance to attract further investment within the District; and (l) All other useful, necessary or desired site improvements. Under the terms of the District’s Petition, to be adopted by this Board Bill, the District shall terminate on the date the District will have reached its twenty-seventh (27th) year of existence as measured from the effective date of the City Ordinance establishing the District. For example, if the District is formed by a City ordinance effective on April 1, 2024, the District would terminate pursuant to this section as of March 31, 2051. Pursuant to the Petition and Section 67.1545 of the CID Act, RSMo, the District shall have the power to impose a District sales tax on all retail sales made within the District that are subject to taxation at a rate not to exceed one percent (1%) and to impose a special assessment in an amount not to exceed $5.00 per occupied sleeping room per night in any hotel, motel, inn or other place in which sleeping rooms are available to the public that is operated within the District. The District will also have all the authority and powers granted by the CID Act and as otherwise provided by law unless limited in the Petition or the District’s Five-Year Management Plan.
71842 Regulating the City's Use of Surveillance Technology
An ordinance setting forth regulations for the use of surveillance technology by the City of St. Louis; requiring surveillance technology usage and specific technologies be approved by the Board of Aldermen after required public hearing, before any such surveillance technology may be used and plans may be put into practice; and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
71841 Medical Debt Forgiveness
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment amending Section One of Ordinance Number 71554; and appropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”), authorizing certain expenditures of such funds, to the extent received, authorizing contracts and other documents to expend such funds, to the extent received, and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
71840 Establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment establishing an Impacted Tenants' Fund to protect tenants in St. Louis City who are forced to relocate from their rental unit due to condemnation for occupancy due to the landlord’s failure to maintain the rental unit in conformance with code requirements; and reappropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”) and previously appropriated by Ordinance 71393 to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund; directing the funds collected from the enforcement of Building Code violations to the Impacted Tenants’ Fund annually and appropriating such funds for a program of distribution to eligible tenants; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
71839 Safe Temperatures In Rentals
An ordinance also known as the “Safe Temperatures In Rentals,” that provides a temperature performance standard to protect the health and safety of tenants from extreme temperatures; containing an enforcement provision, providing for penalties; containing a severability clause; and including an effective date.
71830 Redevelopment Plan for the 2601 Market St. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 2601 Market St. Redevelopment Area. The prospective redeveloper plans on constructing two multi-story buildings with 304 hotel rooms, at the cost of $126 million. Kimpton Hotel will be in the eastern building. Staybridge Suites will be in the western building. 116 full time employees will be employed by the hotels. The redeveloper plans to use utilize private funds for this project. This Board Bill allows up to ten (10) years of tax abatement based on 75 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements.
71828 Liquor Control District 11th Ward
The bill will repeal Ordinance Number 70573, and Ordinance Number 71045, and establishes a new liquor control district within the boundaries of 11th Ward. It will prohibit the issuance of any package liquor or drink licenses for any currently non-licensed premises and the transfer of existing licenses within the district, for a period of five years beginning from the effective date of this ordinance, except as provided in Section Four of the bill.
71822 Amending Ordinance Number 71393, Ordinance Number 71504 and Ordinance Number 71554
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment amending Ordinance Number 71393, Ordinance Number 71504 and Ordinance Number 71554 by re-appropriating certain amounts specified herein in an aggregate amount of $5,823,010.47 for other purposes; and with an emergency clause.
71813 Regulating the Commercial Use of Private Drones
An ordinance adding to Chapter 15 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinances, a new subsection, Chapter 15.190, to regulate the commercial use of drones and impose community-based safety regulations and restrictions on the operation of drones and other UAs that do not preempt federal aviation rules or state law; including a severability clause and emergency clause.
71809 Tax Accountability in Development Act
An ordinance known as the “Tax Accountability in Development Act,” or TADA, which adds to Section Three of Ordinance Number 71620, codified in Chapter 3.160 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinance, a new subsection, Chapter 3.160.030(g), requiring applicants for development tax incentives to be current in the payment of all City property taxes, and requires that the applicants be current in the payment of bills for water and refuse services provided by the City at the time of application for tax incentives from the City.
71808 Redevelopment Plan for the 1902-1904 Dodier St. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 1902-1904 Dodier St. Redevelopment Area. The project consists of the renovation of a multi-family building in the Old North neighborhood. The prospective redeveloper acquired the property for $75,000 and plans on renovating the 4-unit building consisting of 3-2 bedrooms units and 1- 1-bedroom unit at the cost of $129,000. The redeveloper plans to utilize private funds for this project. Based on the Recommended Abatement Map approved October 26, 2018 by Board of Aldermen Resolution 104, the staff recommends a 10-year tax abatement based on 95 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements.
71802 Rezoning of (2009-11 Marconi Avenue
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on December 13, 2023, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from the “A” Single-Family Dwelling District to the “F” Neighborhood Commercial District, in City Block 4075 (2009-11 Marconi Avenue), so as to include the described parcel of land in City Block 4075; and containing an emergency clause
71795 Redevelopment Plan for the North Grand Blvd./ Natural Bridge Ave./ North Florissant Ave./Cass Ave./ Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the North Grand Blvd./ Natural Bridge Ave./ North Florissant Ave./Cass Ave./ Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Redevelopment Area. The Area excludes the NGA St. Louis site and certain properties west of the NGA site. It consists of vacant lots, and occupied and unoccupied residential, institutional, and commercial buildings in an area approximating 821.40 acres in portions of the Carr Square, JeffVanderLou, and St. Louis Place neighborhoods. Within this Area, 61.2% of the properties consist of vacant land or unoccupied buildings, 59.1% of the properties have buildings in poor condition or have no buildings on site, and 71% of the properties in the Area have declined in value in the last 12 years. Limited power of eminent domain within the Area will help clear title issues the properties may have as well as eliminate blight in the Area, clearing the path for future development. Staff supports tax abatement for the Area because of the condition of the properties and therefore recommends up to fifteen years (15) years of tax abatement.
71788 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 400 South 14th St. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 400 South 14th St. Redevelopment Area. This Area consists of the hotel condominium unit of a partially occupied building that is in the Downtown West Neighborhood. The property in the Area is currently blighted and is in a deteriorated condition that constitutes an economic liability to the City. The prospective redeveloper is acquiring the property for approximately $11.0M and plans on renovating the hotel portion of the building at 400 South 14th St. for the approximate cost of $34.9 million. Retail and restaurant bays will also be reactivated at street level. Private financing will be used for the project. The project is approved for ten (10) years of tax abatement based on 75% of the assessed value of incremental improvements.
71784 Eliminating the Highlands at Forest Park, Catlin Townhomes, Maryland Plaza South, Gaslight Square East and I-55/Loughborough Commons Special Allocation Funds and Redevelopment Areas
This proposed Board Bill eliminates Highlands at Forest Park, Catlin Townhomes, Maryland Plaza South, Gaslight Square East and I-55/Loughborough Commons Special Allocation Funds and redevelopment areas because the obligations were paid. The Special Allocation Funds will pass through any PILOTs and EATs captured to the statutory Taxing Jurisdictions.
71763 Community Project Funding
An ordinance, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis, on behalf of the City, to enter into and execute an agreement or agreements with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) for the receipt of Community Project Funding; appropriating the sum of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) which the City has been awarded as Community Project Funding; authorizing and directing the Director of the Community Development Administration (“CDA”) to contract with municipal agencies, non-profit corporations and other entities, as necessary for the expenditure of the Community Project Funding; and directing the Comptroller to issue warrants thereon upon the City Treasury; and containing an emergency clause.
71757 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 3041 Locust Blvd. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 3041 Locust Blvd. Redevelopment Area. This Area has a parcel that includes a commercial building that is in the Midtown Neighborhood. The property in the Area is currently blighted and is in a deteriorated condition that constitutes an economic liability to the City. The building was purchased for $1.1 million. The prospective redeveloper plans on renovating the commercial building at 3041 Locust St. into 8 apartments and 5,800 sf for offices for the approximate cost of $4.7 million including acquisition. Private financing and historic tax credits will be sought to finance the project. This Board Bill includes no use of eminent domain and ten (10) year tax abatement based on 75 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements.
71756 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 4132 South Compton Ave. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 4132 South Compton Ave. Redevelopment Area. The project consists of the renovation of a single-family home in the Dutchtown neighborhood. The prospective redeveloper acquired the property from LRA and plans on renovating the home consisting of 3 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms at the cost of $350,000. The redeveloper plans to utilize private funds for this project and State Historic Credits. The house will be owner occupied. Based on the Recommended Abatement Map approved October 26, 2018 by Board of Aldermen Resolution 104, the staff recommends a 10-year tax abatement based on 95 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements.
71755 Eminent Domain and Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Locust St./ North 6th St./ Pine St./ North 7th St. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the Locust St./ North 6th St./ Pine St./ North 7th St. Redevelopment Area. The proposed Bill also allows for use of eminent domain within the area for all properties except for 622 Olive St. This Board Bill will allow for up to a 20-year tax abatement at 95 percent.
71745 2024 Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”)
A board bill recommended by the Board of Estimate & Apportionment to submit a 2024 Annual Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"); authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller to enter into and execute agreements with HUD for the receipt of 2024 Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”), HOME Investment Partnership (“HOME”), HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program (“HOME-ARP”), Emergency Solutions Grant (“ESG”), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (“HOPWA) funds; appropriating CDBG, HOME, HOME-ARP, HOPWA, and ESG grant funds; authorizing the Directors of the Community Development Administration (“CDA”), Department of Human Services (“DHS”), and Department of Health (“DOH”) to make, negotiate and execute contracts as may be necessary to expend funds; and containing an emergency clause.
71730 New City Revised Code Chapter 26.76 and Amending Revised Cods 26.08
This bill enacts a new Chapter 26.76 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis on the subject of Short-Term Rental, with definitions and establishing Short Term Rental as a permitted use in all zones in the City of St. Louis. This bill also amends 26.08 of the Revised Code by adding a cross-reference in the definition section for Short Term Rental related uses. This bill will not become effective unless and until the City, by and through its Board of Aldermen, passes legislation that provides for a permit process and regulation of Short-Term Rentals,
71722 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the Marquette Park Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the Marquette Park Scattered Sites Redevelopment Area. The project consists of the renovation of 6 buildings and construction 5 residential buildings in the Dutchtown and Gravois Park Neighborhoods. The prospective redeveloper is producing 60 units ranging from 1-3 bedrooms, at the cost of $25.9 million. The redeveloper plans to utilize Historic Tax Credits, LIHTC and private funds for this project. The financial model concludes that the project supports fifteen (15) years of tax abatement (10 years based on 90 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and followed by 5 years based on 50 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements).
71721 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 4221-4227 Forest Park Ave. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 4221-4227 Forest Park Ave. Redevelopment Area. The project consists of the construction a residential building in the Central West End Neighborhood. The prospective redeveloper is producing 38 one-bedroom units, at the cost of $10.6 million. The redeveloper plans to utilize LIHTC and private funds for this project. The financial model concludes that the project supports fifteen (15) years of tax abatement (10 years based on 90 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and followed by 5 years based on 50 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvements).
71719 Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 4923-4949 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Redevelopment Area
This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 4923-4949 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Redevelopment Area. The prospective redeveloper plans on renovating the commercial building at 4949 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. which will house a restaurant space for the approximate cost of $3.7million. The redevelopment plan and blighting study also includes the long vacant commercial building at 4923-4925 Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. for the possibility of using eminent domain in the future as an action of last resort if negotiations fail. This Board Bill will allow ten (10) years of tax abatement based on 95 percent of the assessed value of the incremental improvement).
71715 Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Clayton and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
This board bill authorizes the City of St. Louis through its Water Division to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Clayton and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission. The City of St. Louis Water Division has waterlines conveying water from its Howard Bend Water Treatment Plant in Chesterfield into the City of St. Louis. These waterlines run through the City of Clayton. The Intergovernmental Agreement provides the City of St. Louis Water Division with an easement to access its waterlines. The previous access to the waterlines was eliminated when improvements were made to Highway 170. This agreement will correct the situation at no cost to the City of St. Louis.
71696 North St. Louis Small Business and Non-Profit Grant Programs
An ordinance revising and amending Ordinance Number 71504, which created North St. Louis small business and non-profit grant programs; clarifying eligibility for such grant programs, eligible uses for funds available through such grant programs, and how the St. Louis Development Corporation (“SLDC”) will assess applications for and make awards for such grant programs; ensuring such grant programs are administered consistent with relevant federal requirements; and removing barriers and addressing other issues impacting implementation of these grant programs.
71683 Water Rates
The proposed bill pertains to water rates, finding that an increase in certain water rates is necessary for certain purposes. The bill repeals Ordinance Number 68694, and a part of Ordinance Number 63136 presently codified as Sections 23.04.220, 23.06.130, 23.16.020, 23.16.025, 23.16.040, 23.18.070, 23.20.020, 23.20.030, and 23.20.040, Revised Code of The City of St. Louis all having as their subject water rates and charges; and enacts in liew thereof nine new sections.
71682 Bevo Mill Area Special Use District
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission on May 10, 2023, to amend the boundaries of the Bevo Mill Area Special Use District (established by Ordinance 71282) so as to include the remaining portions of parcel 5653-9-220.001; to likewise amend the boundaries of the Bowtie Subarea within the Bevo Mill Area Special Use District; and containing an emergency clause.
71607 Prop C - Establishing a City Charter Commission
The bill proposes an amendment to the City’s Charter that would establish a Charter Commission to consider and recommend amendments and revisions to the voters on a decennial basis following the census or upon initiative by the qualified voters of the City as provided in the bill.
70891 Opioid Crisis
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of the City of St. Louis Department of Health to enter into and execute an Opioid Crisis Response Services Contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services in order to help to fund some personnel costs, auto travel reimbursement and equipment/supplies for a Crisis Resource Response Team, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and to expend funds by entering into contracts or otherwise for the Opioid Crisis Response Services Contract purposes and containing an emergency clause.
70863 Semi-Trailer Trucker
An ordinance pertaining to commercial semi-trailer trucks, also known as a semis, or tractor-trailers; prohibiting such traffic along Utah Street from the west boundary of Grand Boulevard to the east boundary of Morgan Ford Road, exempting from said prohibition emergency vehicles, including privately owned tow trucks when providing emergency service to non-commercial vehicles, vehicles making deliveries to nearby addresses, and vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of less than 26,000 pounds, and containing an emergency clause.
70855 An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Airport Commission, the Board of Public Service and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the Director of Airports, the President of the Board of Public Service, and the Comptro
An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Airport Commission, the Board of Public Service and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the Director of Airports, the President of the Board of Public Service, and the Comptroller of The City of St. Louis (the "City") to enter into and execute on behalf of the City the “Memorandum Of Agreement for Expansion Of and Improvement To Inbound Baggage System and Facilities Terminal 2” (the “MOA”) at St. Louis Lambert International Airport® (the "Airport"), that memorializes the agreement between the City and Southwest Airlines Company (“Southwest”) under which Southwest will partially fund, contract for, administer, and manage the expansion and renovation of the Terminal 2 baggage claim area and related equipment and facilities (the “Project”), which is defined and more fully described in Section 2 of the MOA, subject to and in accordance with the terms, covenants, and conditions of the MOA that is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT “1” and made a part hereof; authorizing the Mayor, the Comptroller, the Register, the City Counselor, the President of the Board of Public Service, the Director of Airports, and other appropriate officers, agents, and employees of the City, with the advice of the Director of Airports, to enter into and execute on behalf of the City and in the City’s best interest any attendant or related documents, agreements, applications, permits, amendments, affidavits, certifications, or instruments deemed necessary to effectuate the terms set forth in the MOA and/or deemed necessary to preserve and protect the City’s interest, and/or to take such actions as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated in the MOA; containing a severability clause, and containing an emergency clause.
70851 An ordinance repealing Section 4, Subsections 746.010 through 756.040 of Ordinance No. 51871, approved April 4, 1963, and pertaining to the establishment of the Decent Literature Commission, its organization, responsibilities, powers and purposes, co
An ordinance repealing Section 4, Subsections 746.010 through 756.040 of Ordinance No. 51871, approved April 4, 1963, and pertaining to the establishment of the Decent Literature Commission, its organization, responsibilities, powers and purposes, codified as Sections 15.32.010 through 15.32.040 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, 1994 Annotated.
70850 An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of Public Safety, on behalf of the Mayor and the City of Saint Louis, to enter into and execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the United States Marshal Service for housing and related ser
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Director of Public Safety, on behalf of the Mayor and the City of Saint Louis, to enter into and execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the United States Marshal Service for housing and related services for United States Marshal detainees housed within the Division of Corrections
70803 An Ordinance pertaining to the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., as adopted and approved by the voters of St. Louis City on August 2, 1994, pursuant to Ordinance 63168 creating the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund”
An Ordinance pertaining to the Transit Sales Tax imposed pursuant to Section 94.660, RSMo., as adopted and approved by the voters of St. Louis City on August 2, 1994, pursuant to Ordinance 63168 creating the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund” directing the Treasurer of the City of St. Louis to deposit funds received pursuant to said sales tax into the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund – Account ONE” appropriating $11,560,000 from the said sales tax for the period herein stated to the Bi-State Development Agency for certain purposes; providing for the payment of such funds during the period July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019; further providing that in no event shall the Comptroller draw warrants on the Treasurer for an amount greater than the amounts of the proceeds deposited in the “City Public Transit Sales Tax Trust Fund” during the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019; and containing a severability clause.
70756 Ordinance amending Civilian Oversight Board Bill
BOARD BILL NO. 233 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN PAMELA BOYD, ALDERMAN BRANDON BOSLEY, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, ALDERWOMAN LISA MIDDLEBROOK, ALDERMAN JOHN COLLINS MUHAMMAD, ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERWOMAN HEATHER NAVARRO An ordinance amending Ordinance 69984 (which established the City of St. Louis Civilian Oversight Board, known as the “COB”) to empower the COB to issue subpoenas to compel the appearance of witnesses, produce documents, recordings and other evidence which the COB determines in its reasonable judgment are relevant and necessary to its thorough Inspection and Review of Complaints of misconduct by members of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department which may be subject to COB Independent Investigation.
70755 Ordinance establishing the Annual Public Safety Plan
BOARD BILL NO. 222 INTRODUCED BY PRESIDENT LEWIS E. REED, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN JOHN MUHAMMAD, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ An ordinance directing the Public Safety Director to complete an annual Public Safety Plan (the “Plan”) and present the findings of the Plan to members of the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Aldermen Public Safety Committee.
70642 Block Grant Bill
BOARD BILL NO. 123 INTRODUCED BY: Alderman Joseph Roddy An ordinance, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, authorizing the Mayor of the City of St. Louis, on behalf of the City, to submit a 2018 Annual Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") as required to apply for funding under the Federal Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG"), HOME Investment Partnership ("HOME"), Emergency Solutions Grant ("ESG") and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS ("HOPWA") Entitlement Programs, authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller on behalf of the City to enter into and execute agreements with HUD for the receipt of 2018 CDBG, HOME, ESG and HOPWA funds, appropriating the sum of Fifteen Million, Six Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand, Three Hundred and Ninety-Eight Dollars ($15,624,398) which the City estimates will be available for the 2018 CDBG Program Year; appropriating the sum of Two Million, One Thousand, One Hundred and Forty-Six Dollars ($2,001,146) which the City estimates will be available for the 2018 HOME Program Year; appropriating the sum of One Million, Four Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($1,494,620) which the City estimates will be available for the 2018 ESG Program Year; and appropriating the sum of One Million, Six Hundred Ten Thousand, Seven Hundred and Thirty-Three Dollars ($1,610,733) which the City estimates will be available for the 2018 HOPWA Program Year, authorizing and directing the Director of the Community Development Administration ("CDA") to contract with municipal agencies, non-profit corporations and other entities, as necessary for the expenditure of CDBG and HOME funds, to establish and implement a lump sum drawdown procedure for the purpose of financing property rehabilitation activities, to establish and implement a program to guarantee in whole or in part construction loans from private financial institutions, and/or to establish and implement a procedure for providing financial assistance to CDBG-eligible undertakings through float loan financing, authorizing and directing the Director of the Department of Human Services ("DHS") to contract with municipal agencies, non-profit corporations and other entities, as necessary for the expenditure of ESG funds, authorizing and directing the Director of Health and Hospitals to contract with municipal agencies, non-profit corporations and other entities, as necessary for the expenditure of HOPWA funds, and directing the Comptroller to issue warrants thereon upon the City Treasury; and containing an emergency clause.
70624 Ordinance prohibiting illegal evictions
BOARD BILL NO. 87 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY An ordinance prohibiting lessors of residential real property from effectuating illegal, self-help evictions without availing themselves of the appropriate legal processes; containing a penalty clause, severability clause, and an emergency clause.
70569 Stolen car towing fee
BOARD BILL NO. 35 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO An ordinance protecting victims of automobile theft from paying storing, towing and administrative fees directly related to recovery of a stolen automobile by amending Ordinance 64668, approved June 11, 1999 and containing a severability clause.
70536 Establishing charity bail fund
BOARD BILL NO. 260 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN KENNEDY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, authorizing a supplemental appropriation; amending Ordinance #70272, commonly referred to as the budget ordinance for Fiscal Year 2016-17; appropriating and setting apart revenues to address the expenditure required and set forth herein for the current fiscal year, in the amount of $95,000, to be apportioned to the Division of Corrections for the purpose of establishing a charity bail fund to assist certain non-violent defendants in posting bail as allowed by the Court, and to alleviate the cost of housing such persons, and to save public funds currently allocated for the incarceration of such persons, requiring the Commissioner of the Division of Corrections with certain duties in the process of selecting a service provider in association with expending such charity bail fund, and containing an Emergency Clause.
70532 Ordinance amending Civilian Oversight Board
BOARD BILL NO. 306 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY An amendment to Ordinance 69984 (which established the Civilian Oversight Board in the City of St. Louis), extending the number of days that the St. Louis Civilian Oversight Board has to review complaints and make recommendations by amending Section Six of said ordinance 69984; and containing a severability clause.
70523 Domestic violence leave bill
BOARD BILL NO. 261 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, AND ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER An ordinance requiring employers to provide unpaid leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking; containing definitions; violations; a penalty clause; and a severability clause.
70516 Ordinance prohibiting the use of smokeless tobacco at sporting events
BOARD BILL NO. 294 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN FLOWERS An ordinance prohibiting use of smokeless tobacco at professional, collegiate, high school and organized amateur sporting events.
70515 Ordinance pursuant to Police Division Sergeant Bargaining Unit
BOARD BILL NO. 308 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN COATAR An Ordinance pursuant to ordinance 62234 for Police Division Sergeant Bargaining Unit between the City of St. Louis Missouri and the St. Louis Police Officers Association/Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 68.
70514 Ordinance pertaining to witness tampering
BOARD BILL NO. 307 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, AND PRESIDENT REED An Ordinance pertaining to tampering with a witness or victim; prohibiting conduct by any individual which has the intention to or causes a witness or victim to fail to comply with or assist a police investigation or legal proceeding, including a Court proceeding, an Administrative hearing, or a Board hearing and all related investigations thereto within the City of St. Louis; containing definitions, prohibitions, and penalties.
70502 Unattended firearms lock-up requirement and reporting of stolen firearms
BOARD BILL NO. 196 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN KREWSON An ordinance for the public health and welfare, requiring unattended firearms in motor vehicles to be stored in a locked condition; requiring stolen guns to be reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, to establish that a rebuttable presumption exists that a firearm in a vehicle is the property of the driver of said vehicle; and containing a savings clause, a severability clause, and an emergency clause.
70474 Ordinance establishing Building Energy Awareness
BOARD BILL #205 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOHN J. COATAR An ordinance entitled “Building Energy Awareness”; the purpose of this ordinance is to establish an energy benchmarking and reporting requirement for certain buildings.
70399 Raising the age to 21 for sales of nicotine products
BOARD BILL #169 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis by repealing and re-enacting sections 11.32.110, 11.32.120, 11.32.130, 11.32.140, 11.32.150, 11.32.160, 11.32.170, 11.76.010, 11.76.020, 11.76.030 and 11.76.040 to raise the age to 21 years old for sales and distribution of tobacco products, containing definitions; establishing penalties for violations; and containing a severability and an emergency clause.
70284 Repealing prohibition of liquor in Ward 22
BOARD BILL NO. 18 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68785 and 69594, which had prohibited the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Second Ward Liquor Control District.
70277 Program for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances
BOARD BILL NO. 36 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMEN AND ALDERMEN LYDA KREWSON, CARA SPENCER, DIONNE FLOWERS, MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, CAROL HOWARD, KENNETH ORTMANN FRANK WILLIAMSON, JOSEPH VACCARO, PRESIDENT REED, MARLENE DAVIS, STEPHEN CONWAY, SHANE COHN, DONNA BARINGER, LARRY ARNOWITZ, ANTONIO FRENCH, JOSEPH VOLLMER, TERRY KENNEDY, JEFFREY BOYD, CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance pertaining to the development and administration of a program for monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances by professionals licensed to prescribe or dispense such substances within the City of St. Louis; establishing penalties for violations thereof; authorizing Health Department officials to work with officials in St. Louis County, which is currently setting up a prescription drug monitoring program; authorizing the receipt of donations for support of the monitoring program; and containing an emergency clause.
70274 Establishing 4-way stop at Oleatha/Prather
BOARD BILL NO. 6 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO An Ordinance establishing a four-way stop site at the intersection of Oleatha Avenue and Prather Avenue by regulating all northbound and southbound traffic traveling on Prather Avenue at Oleatha Avenue and regulating all eastbound and westbound traffic traveling on Oleatha Avenue at Prather Avenue and containing an emergency clause.
70248 Clarifications to the Firefighters' Retirement Plan
BOARD BILL NO. 280 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An Ordinance repealing Ordinance 69183 and making certain technical corrections, regulatory updates, and clarifications to The Firefighters' Retirement Plan of St. Louis, as set forth in Ordinance No. 69245, as amended by Ordinance No. 69353, and as codified in Chapter 4.19 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis.

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