Ordinance 71788

Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan for the 400 South 14th St. Redevelopment Area

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This Board Bill seeks to approve a Chapter 99 Redevelopment Plan and Blighting Study for the 400 South 14th St. Redevelopment Area. This Area consists of the hotel condominium unit of a partially occupied building that is in the Downtown West Neighborhood. The property in the Area is currently blighted and is in a deteriorated condition that constitutes an economic liability to the City. The prospective redeveloper is acquiring the property for approximately $11.0M and plans on renovating the hotel portion of the building at 400 South 14th St. for the approximate cost of $34.9 million. Retail and restaurant bays will also be reactivated at street level. Private financing will be used for the project. The project is approved for ten (10) years of tax abatement based on 75% of the assessed value of incremental improvements.


Session: 2023-2024

Board Bill Number: 129

Primary Sponsors: Rasheen Aldridge

Effective: 02/23/2024

Legislative History

Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 10/06/2023

    First Reading

    Bill text was introduced (4.90 MB PDF).

  • 10/06/2023

    Referred to a Committee

    The bill was assigned to the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee.

  • 12/05/2023

    Committee Hearing

    The bill was held in committee during the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee hearing.

  • 12/12/2023

    Committee Hearing

    The bill was held in committee during the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee hearing.

  • 01/17/2024

    Committee Hearing

    The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee hearing.

  • 01/19/2024

    Second Reading

  • 01/26/2024


    The bill was passed.

  • 02/02/2024


    The bill was engrossed during the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.

  • 02/02/2024

    Third Reading

    The bill was passed.

  • 02/02/2024

    Delivered to Mayor

  • 02/21/2024

    Mayor Returns Bill

    The bill was returned without a signature.

  • 02/21/2024

    Delivered to Register

  • 02/28/2024

    Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number

    Register returns ordinance number 71788. Effective date is 02/23/2024


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