President Lewis Reed kicked off third year of Sprint 1Million Project
The Sprint 1Million Project provides free mobile devices and wireless connectivity to 1,000 high school students in St. Louis.
This article is 6 years old. It was published on September 10, 2019.
Today, President Reed and the Saint Louis Public Schools kicked off the third year of the Sprint 1Million Project, which provides free mobile devices and wireless connectivity to 1,000 high school students in St. Louis.
“The 1Million Project from Sprint is a great opportunity for the students in our City. Many of our students are dealing with multiple hardships that make studying and learning
difficult in their home environment. As a city, we must provide our youth with the resources necessary to receive the full benefits of an education and achieve their maximum potential. Our City faces multiple challenges, the 1Million Project from Sprint is a big step in the right direction and will help to move St. Louis forward,” said Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed.
Sprint hosted the kick-off event at Carnahan High School where more than 1,200 high school students in St. Louis Public School District received a free mobile device and free wireless connectivity to help close the “homework gap.”
Research shows that 5 million U.S. families with school-aged children do not have internet access at home, but 70 percent of teachers assign homework that requires web access, creating a “Homework Gap” that puts these students at a disadvantage academically.
Since the start of the program, Saint Louis Public School students have received more than 2,000 mobile devices as a part of the Sprint 1Million Project national.
In 2007, Lewis E. Reed became President of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen and the first African-American elected to be President of the Board of Aldermen in the history of the Board. As President of the Board of Aldermen, he manages and leads the entire legislative branch towards working for the residents and the future of the City of St. Louis. Learn more here.
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