Follow COVID-19 Prevention Steps for a Safe Start to 2021

Everyone must do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and celebrate New Year's Eve safely.

December 31, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 4 years old. It was published on December 31, 2020.

As the City of St. Louis community prepares to say “farewell” to 2020, it cannot forget to take preventative steps to avoid an increased spread of COVID-19. The City of St. Louis Department of Health and Mayor Lyda Krewson are reminding all residents and businesses of the need to celebrate this New Year’s Eve safely.

“We know and understand this has been a challenging year for our community,” says Mayor Lyda Krewson. “This year’s celebrations will look different; however, we must continue to follow the public health orders in place to reduce the spread of this virus.”

Tips to Celebrate the end of 2020 safely“This year has been unprecedented with a public health pandemic we have not seen in 100 years,” says Dr. Fredrick Echols, acting director of health for the City of St. Louis. “It will take all of us continuing our efforts to reduce the spread of the virus into 2021 before we can start to consider a return to normalcy.”

Bars, restaurants, and nightclubs must forego the traditional midnight toast as establishments in the City of St. Louis are still required to close by 11:00 p.m. nightly, per Health Commissioner’s Orders #13 and #14. They must limit their capacity to 50% or less. Anyone inside one of these businesses must continue to follow existing guidance requiring mask-wearing, social distancing, and other public health mitigation strategies, per Health Commissioner’s Orders #8 and #11.

If you decide to celebrate the evening at home or privately with friends, remember private gatherings are limited to no more than 10 people, per Health Commissioner’s Order #15. If you are visiting with someone who does not live with you, it is recommended you socially distance and wear a facial covering. 

Taking these additional steps is necessary to protect your health, your family’s health, and the health and safety of our community at large. Let’s ring in 2021 safely, St. Louis!

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