City of St. Louis Offers Residents Opportunities to Weigh in on Priorities for Next $250 Million from American Rescue Plan

The administration is also planning town halls, roundtables and discussions with community leaders and stakeholders to hear directly from St. Louisans

April 2, 2022 | 2 min reading time

This article is 3 years old. It was published on April 2, 2022.

Today, the City of St. Louis released a digital survey for residents to weigh in on their priorities for how elected leaders should allocate the remaining $250 million in federal American Rescue Plan funding heading to the city. The administration is also planning town halls, roundtables, and drop-in discussions with community leaders and stakeholders to hear directly from St. Louisans what they’re looking for in this once-in-a-generation opportunity to reinvest in our city.

“Community input has always guided the way my administration looks to spend American Rescue Plan Act funds,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “We’re already working to help thousands of families put food on the table, expand community violence intervention programs, and provide free public transit to our youth, but it’s just the beginning. The City wants to hear from residents about how they want to prioritize the remaining hundreds of millions of dollars still heading to St. Louis.”

The survey is broken into seven main categories: Household assistance; neighborhood transformation; economic empowerment; government services; support for children and youth; public health; and infrastructure improvements. All funding must be used in line with US Treasury Guidelines. A paper copy of the survey will be developed as well for community organizations and available in additional languages.

More than $129 million in federal dollars have been passed out of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment in the past month, including funding to repave roads and repair bridges, provide vehicle upgrades for the Refuse Division, deliver small business grants for North St. Louis, improve accessibility per American with Disabilities Act guidelines, and more. These appropriations await final passage by the Board of Aldermen then head to Mayor Jones’ desk. 

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