Board of Estimate and Apportionment Advances More Than $90 Million in American Rescue Plan Act Funding

Funding is for city infrastructure improvements, North St. Louis development, human services, youth employment and more.

March 23, 2022 | 2 min reading time

This article is 3 years old. It was published on March 23, 2022.

Today, the Board of Estimate & Apportionment advanced more than $90 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support ongoing direct relief for St. Louis area families and businesses.

“From thousands of direct payments to help St. Louis families put food on the table to addressing infrastructure improvements our city needs, St. Louis is using American Rescue Plan Act funds to strengthen our neighborhoods,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “Today’s advancement highlights how St. Louis continues to reach communities who need this funding most while investing long-term in our city’s future.”

Today’s approvals included:

  • Board Bill 184, an $86 million package including $70 million in federal dollars, for capital improvement projects throughout the city, including repaving major streets, tree trimming, addressing illegal dumping, additional lighting, bridge replacement and repairs, vehicle upgrades for Division of Refuse, and continued upgrades to the City Justice Center. This now heads to the Board of Aldermen for final passage on Friday;
  • $10.7 million in contracts to support unhoused and housing unstable families, including mortgage assistance, emergency shelter, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, wraparound services, and more;
  • $5 million to reduce the backlog of recipients for the Healthy Home Repair program;
  • $1.5 million to establish St. Louis Development Corporation’s (SLDC) Economic Empowerment Hub for North St. Louis entrepreneurs;
  • $2.5 million for a Revolving Loan fund for community development organizations and neighborhood-based planning efforts in North St. Louis;
  • $760,000 for internship and employment opportunities for youth in Saint Louis Public Schools through the Learn and Earn program.

Earlier this month, Mayor Jones outlined her priorities for the remaining $40 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to the Board of Aldermen’s Housing, Urban Development, and Zoning (HUDZ) committee to support St. Louis families and communities. The letter is attached.

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