During Small Business Week, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones Signs Bill Directing $37 Million in American Rescue Plan Funds to North St. Louis Neighborhoods and Commercial Streets

Board Bill 82 directs funds to 11 commercial corridors north of Delmar as well as their surrounding neighborhoods.

May 5, 2022 | 2 min reading time

This article is 3 years old. It was published on May 5, 2022.

As the country celebrates Small Business Week, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones - joined by Congresswoman Cori Bush, Ald. Brandon Bosley (3), Ald. Dwin Evans (4), Ald. James Page (5), Ald. Jesse Todd (18), and Ald. Shameem Clark-Hubbard (26) - signed Board Bill 82, sending $37 million of dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act into North St. Louis neighborhoods and businesses at North City small business MC Appliances. The bill directs funds to 11 commercial corridors north of Delmar - Page, Martin Luther King Dr, North Grand, Florissant, North Broadway, Natural Bridge, West Florissant, Delmar West, Delmar East, Goodfellow, and union - as well as their surrounding neighborhoods.

“Growing up in North St. Louis, I remember how communities were brought together around strong small businesses on thriving commercial streets. To make our city stronger and safer, we need to work to build up our neighborhoods again,” said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. “The City of St. Louis cannot succeed if half of it is left to fail, and I am thankful to work collaboratively with Comptroller Darlene Green and Alderwoman Sharon Tyus to recommend a stronger bill that is fairer for North City. This is just the first step towards creating changes in our neighborhoods that will benefit our entire city, north and south of Delmar.”

The $37 million in ARPA funds will help small businesses grow, creating good jobs and improving access to neighborhood amenities in North St. Louis communities, and allocates $2 million towards the City’s Americans with Disabilities Act implementation plan. This latest installment follows millions already invested directly in St. Louis families and communities across zip codes. The administration has worked to make St. Louis a safer, healthier, and better place for families using ARPA dollars through Direct Cash Assistance, COVID-19 vaccine incentives, Gateway Go MetroTransit passes for youth, SLDC’s STL Small Business Grant Fund, and more with $80 million of programmed funds.

“Viewing economic development through a racial equity lens isn’t only a moral imperative—it’s requisite for our very survival as a city,” said St. Louis Development Corporation Executive Director Neal Richardson. “Change that is both sustainable and transformational requires justice is achievable only if we commit to centering the people and communities in St. Louis who have been pushed to the margins too long. This change will take time, but it is necessary.”

In her State of the City address, Mayor Jones committed to investing $150 million in North St. Louis, emphasizing that economic empowerment, neighborhood transformation, and equitable development are critical to reducing the racial wealth gap in St. Louis. The administration is looking to leverage ARPA funds to magnify their long-term impact after they expire in 2026. 

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