City of St. Louis, Metro Transit, and SLATE Extend Youth Transit Program through 2024

Metro Transit will continue accepting the current Gateway Go cards until new passes are printed.

February 27, 2023 | 2 min reading time

This article is 2 years old. It was published on February 27, 2023.

The City of St. Louis’ Community Development Administration (CDA) along with Metro Transit and St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) announced today the extension of the Gateway Go Youth Transit Program through December 2024. The Gateway Go cards were originally set to expire February 28, 2023, but will continue to be accepted.

“Gateway Go passes represent ARPA funds at work for youth in the City of St. Louis,” said CDA Executive Director Nahuel Fefer. “In the spirit of the original partnership with Metro Transit, we are excited to extend Gateway Go for another two years.”

Gateway Go Youth Transit Program provides St. Louis City youth ages 13 - 25 years old free MetroLink and MetroBus transportation to help connect them across the region to school, work, and other opportunities. The program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). In 2022 the CDA transferred $250,000 to Metro Transit in exchange for 3,000 free transit passes for a period of a year.

Since launching the City’s free pass program a year ago, nearly half of the available 3,000 entries have been distributed. The partners have worked together to adjust the program in line with demand, extending the program for participants through 2024.

“SLATE is ecstatic to expand our partnership with CDA, Metro Transit, and the City of St. Louis to continue eliminating transportation barriers for our youth,” said SLATE Executive Director Fredrecka McGlown. “Young adults will continue to be provided the opportunity to move about the region, with reliable transportation to get them to and from school, work, extracurricular activities and allow them to explore all that our great city has to offer. This tremendous opportunity has helped hundreds of youth and families, and we are excited to continue to impact our community with the Gateway Go Program.”

The current cards have a February 28, 2023, expiration date printed on them. Metro Transit has issued a bulletin telling operators to accept them. Current and new participants will be able to pick up new cards in April 2023 from SLATE, located at 1520 Market in Downtown St. Louis.

St. Louis youth who would still like to apply for a Gateway Go pass can learn more about eligibility and needed documents on the Gateway Go site. Applicants must present proof of age, proof of residence, as well as proof of income or reside in a Qualified Census Tract (QCT).

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