NGA Will Remain in St. Louis. What's Next?
A series of events will now occur to prepare for NGA’s relocation to north St. Louis
This article is 9 years old. It was published on April 1, 2016.

View NGA timeline as a PDF document.
We are honored and excited to welcome NGA and its employees into the next great neighborhood of St. Louis. The overwhelming local, State & Federal agency alignment made it possible to prepare this site for NGA and we are proud to be part of this community. A series of events will now occur to prepare for NGA’s relocation to north St. Louis.
"From our proximity to current employees and the next generation NGA workforce to a ready-to-go construction force and our connection to the type of high-tech facilities on which our national security will rely in the future, St. Louis is stepping up to the plate for the NGA. The many benefits to the future of both St. Louis and NGA are immeasurable, promising, and exciting."
- Mayor Francis Slay
April 1
- Final EIS and NGA preferred site decision.

- Community meetings begin in order to develop a plan of action for neighborhood improvements.
- NGA Formal Record of Decision.
- Private property sales closing process begins; real estate agent relocation assistance to be provided.
- City to begin design of neighborhood improvements based on community feedback.
- NGA & City sign sales agreement contract.
2016 - 2017

- Construction of new utility ductbank around the site begins.
- Environmental abatement for buildings.
- Site demolition.
- Site environmental cleanup.
- Site utility demolition.
2017 - 2020
- Property transfer from City to NGA.
- NGA design process.

- City to coordinate with NGA on construction phasing to limit traffic issues.
- City to implement security measures within the community.
- NGA utility and infrastructure construction begins.
- NGA building construction begins.
2020 - 2021
- City to enhance streets
and public realm
surrounding the site
after heavy NGA site
construction is complete.

- City to encourage multiple developers to engage in neighborhood revitalization.

- New NGA West opens!
Contact Information:
Office of the Mayor
St. Louis Development Corporation
Land Acquisition, Reutilization, and Development
Related Resources
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Briefing Book
- Obama Administration Chooses City of St. Louis to Participate in Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Letters of Support
- NGA Declares City of St. Louis Preferred Site for New $1.75 Billion Facility