Jonathan Strong

Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer

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Jonathan Strong is a proud educator, who has focused his career on helping build strong foundations for our children’s futures.

Jonathan’s passion for educating led him to the Saint Louis Public School District, most recently serving as an Principal at Meramec Elementary for the past six years. Under his leadership Meramec Elementary improved its overall performance, becoming a more community based school and a better resource for students and parents alike, and encouraging staff members to pursue their ambitions, including promotions and seeking higher education.

Jonathan is committed to helping shape the course of generations to come after him and he has made it his mission to make a difference in the lives of youth. He serves as a mentor for young men and works with various nonprofits dedicated to helping the youth and families of Saint Louis. His passion for the city continues to direct his path of service through education for the community that raised and led him to be the person that he is today.

Mr. Strong holds a B.A. in Elementary Education from Alabama A&M University, a M.A. in Reading, and an Educational Specialist in School Leadership degree from Webster University.

Contact Information


Phone: (314) 622-3201

1200 Market Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63103

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