About Virtual Court Sessions

Appear for your citation in an online virtual courtroom, without a trip to the courthouse or a physical appearance in a court room.


 Beginning January 1, 2025, court dates in all courtrooms will be in person. By Supreme Court rule and case decision, all trial dates and any hearing requiring sworn testimony must be in-person. All payment review dates are now in person.

Virtual court dates will be scheduled only upon written request, for good cause shown, and only with the approval of a judge. 

How it Works

An in-person court date requires the defendant to appear personally on the assigned court date, at the assigned time and in the assigned courtroom at 1520 Market, St. Louis, MO 63103, on the first floor. Please observe the Municipal Court Dress Code when you attend an in-person court date. 

Virtual court sessions are conducted using the WebEx meeting application, a method of conducting virtual sessions approved by the Missouri Supreme Court. Instructions for attending a virtual court session can be found here.

Payment of Fines

If the defendant is ordered to pay a fine, the defendant will normally be given ninety (90) days within which to pay the fine in full and a payment review in-person court date. If the fine(s) is/are paid in full before the payment review in-person court date, the case(s) will be closed upon full payment. If there is a balance remaining on the payment review date, the defendant must appear in person for the payment review court date. At the payment review date, the judge and the defendant will have the opportunity to enter into a payment agreement for the balance, or for the judge to consider whether an alternative sentence is appropriate.  

Instructions for payment, including on-line options may be found here.

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