Rent the World's Fair Pavilion

Rental information for the World's Fair Pavilion in Forest Park

Call (314) 289-5372


The World's Fair Pavilion provides a picturesque setting for company picnics, private receptions, benefits, special events or weddings. The covered floor area of the open air pavilion can seat approximately 500 people. Larger crowds can be accommodated if the accompanying park grounds are used.

Read more about the World's Fair Pavilion.


Things to know before you reserve:

1. You may call to check availability

Your reservation must be made in person, but you can check availability of the Pavilion by calling (314) 289-5372 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

2. A $500 security deposit is due when you reserve

In addition to the rental fee, a security deposit in the amount of $500 is required, and must be presented at the time you make your reservation.

This check will be deposited and held to insure that all conditions of the permit are followed. It will be forfeited in the event of damage to park property, missing or damaged park equipment, or failure to leave the park in a clean condition. The permittee will be billed for any damage and/or excessive cleanup required not covered by the security deposit.

3. You must obtain an insurance certificate one month before your reservation date

An insurance certificate of property damage in the amount of $50,000 and personal liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 is required.

The certificate must be received at least one month prior to the date reserved and must be an original copy.

The following wording must appear on the certificate or it will not be acceptable:

"The City of St Louis and its employees, agents, and assigns acting within the scope and course of their employment are additional insureds."

Certificate Holder:

City of St. Louis
Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry
5600 Clayton Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110

The insurance certificate is obtained from a private insurance company. It insures you and the City of St. Louis.


Reservations can be made up to a year and a half in advance and must be made in person at the Park Office.

  1. Assemble the following information, which the Parks Division will require for your reservation:
    • Date and time of event
    • Number of guests and number of chairs
    • If reserving for a wedding and/or reception:
      • Spouse 1 and spouse 2 - name, address, home/work phone number, email address
      • Number in wedding party
    • If reserving for a luncheon:
      • organization name and contact information - contact name, address, phone, email address
  2. Prepare a check or money order to bring with you to the Parks Division for your reservation. Make your check payable to City of St. Louis. Both a $500 deposit and the rental fee will be due when the reservation is made.
  3. To make arrangements in person, come to the Parks Department Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m except NOON - 1pm (staff lunch).

    5600 Clayton Avenue
    St. Louis, MO 63110

Call (314) 289-5372


Once payment is received, the date cannot be changed and the fee is non-refundable. These fees do not include the $500 deposit.

  • Monday through Thursday: $1475
  • Fridays and Sundays: $1700
  • Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m: $1700 (wedding ceremony only)
  • Saturdays from 4 p.m. to midnight: $2500 (receptions only)
  • All-Day Access from 9:00 a.m. to midnight: $4200.00 (can have both a ceremony & reception in this time frame)

The fee is for the entire duration listed. Time slots cannot be subdivided or reduced.

There will be a $10 charge for paperwork that is lost and has to be re-issued.

What to Expect

Before Your Event: 

You must call the Park Rangers to lower the chain in order to gain access to the WFP. Please call (314)289-5350. Please give the Park Rangers 30 minutes to respond to your request. 


Banquet tables, chairs, podiums, electrical cords or other equipment needed for the event must be supplied through a private source. All equipment must be removed from the pavilion immediately following the event.


All amplified sound must be at a level so as not to disturb the peace, quiet, comfort or repose of neighboring inhabitants and/or park users and must conform to Ordinance #50038.


All events at the Pavilion must be catered by a company from our Authorized Caterers list. The caterer or other representative is responsible for all the setup and placement of tables and chairs. The caterer will also be responsible for clean-up of your event. In the event the space is not clean, however, we will keep your security deposit. 

Waste Management

The only equipment included in the rental fee is 15 trash receptacles.

The applicant must make arrangements to pick up any trash, litter or debris generated during the course of the event from the park grounds. All trash is to be bagged and removed from the park immediately following the event.

The pavilion should be left in the same condition it was found prior to your event. It is strongly recommended that a cleaning service be hired for any special cleanup prior to and after the event if needed. All trash must be removed from the park.


Division of Parks

(314) 289-5300

5600 Clayton Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110

8:00AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00 PM Reservations and availability 12:00PM -1:00 PM Permit section closed for lunch

Contact the Division of Parks

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