Employee Residency
Information and answers to potential questions about the lifting of the employee residency requirement in August 2023
Following action from the Missouri State Legislature, the Department of Personnel revised Administrative Regulation No. 114 to remove the residency requirement for City employees. However, as provided in that regulation, full time employees who occupy "public safety/emergency response positions," must maintain a primary residence within a one-hour response time of their regularly assigned place of work.
The Department of Personnel recognizes City employees may have questions regarding this new rule. Please see answers to potential questions below.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to Anthony Byrd at the Department of Personnel at byrda@stlouis-mo.gov.
All Employees Are Impacted
Lifting of the residency requirement impacts all city employees. However, some may be required to maintain a primary residence located within a one-hour response time.
City Vehicle Policy
City vehicle use is approved by the employee's appointing authority.
Employees residing outside of the City of St. Louis need to check with their appointing authority if they can retain their city vehicle. The appointing authority will consider their eligibility based on the Vehicle Policy Manual and make a determination regarding eligibility. In general, eligibility is based on if an employee must be “on-call,” if labor is saved by not returning the vehicle to a central location, and the cost of transporting the vehicle to secure parking. For more information regarding eligibility, please consult section 3.6 of the Vehicle Policy Manual.
Commuting Allowance
For employees residing in the City
City employees currently receiving a commuting allowance from the City that reside in the City, will continue to receive the commuting allowance provided they meet the eligibility requirements set forth in the compensation ordinance.
For employees residing out of the City
No employee living outside of the corporate limits of the City of St. Louis shall receive a commuting allowance.
Mileage Reimbursement
Determinations on mileage reimbursements are made by each employee's appointing authority and are calculated starting from the employee's work site.
Employees currently receiving mileage reimbursement for the use of their personal vehicle on city business, are eligible to continue to receive this mileage reimbursement. This does not include any reimbursement to and from home to their base work site.
Living Out of State
After the residency requirement is lifted City employees can live out of the state. However, lifting the residency requirement will not eliminate any requirement to be physically present for work and be on time. For specific employees, living within a one hour response time will be mandatory.
Remote Work
Decisions on remote work are set by the employee's appointing authority. No employee is automatically authorized to work remotely.
Renewal by the State Legislature
Lifting of the residency requirement will not have to be renewed by the state legislature.
Apply to Work for the City
Those interested to apply to work for the City can look at our opportunities on our Work for the City webpage. There are approximately 700 positions open for work in the City of St. Louis.