About the Department of Personnel

City of St. Louis Department of Personnel

The Personnel Department is responsible for administering the Civil Service System under the guidelines established in Article XVIII of the City Charter. The Department of Personnel is responsible for: the preparation of rules; the classification plan; the compensation plan; the service rating plan; eligible lists, as needed; and the certification of names of eligible candidates to appointing authorities for filling vacancies in competitive positions; providing training and organizational development programs; employee welfare; employee morale; and employee transactions. The Director of Personnel serves as the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission and Secretary of the Employees Retirement System.

Learn more and review the sections below:

Classification and Compensation
The Classification and Compensation Section is responsible for monitoring and modifying the classification plan.

Current Job Openings
Choose a job type to see the positions we are currently hiring

Employee Wellness Documents

Documents pertaining to the Department of Personnel and its Divisions.

Documents pertaining to the Employee Benefits Section

Employee Benefits
The Employee Benefits Section administers the full spectrum of employee benefit programs available to City employees and their families. The Benefits Section also administers the Retiree and COBRA insurance programs.

Employee Relations
The Employee Relations Section has administrative responsibility for the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), drug and alcohol screening, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and labor relations.

Employee Wellness
The City of St. Louis offers an Employee Wellness Program funded through a partnership with BJC

Ordinances and Regulations Documents
Documents pertaining to Ordinances and Regulations

Personnel Department
The Personnel Department handles the City's Human Resources needs and responsibilities.

Personnel News
News announcements and notices from the Personnel Department

Personnel Sections
Personnel Divisions

Personnel Services
The Personnel Services Section of the Department of Personnel carries out a broad range of diversified functions for all departments within the City of St. Louis system.

Recruitment and Examination
The Recruitment and Examination Section implements recruitment strategies, administers examinations, establishes eligible lists, and contracts for temporary services.

Training and Organizational Development
The Employee Training and Organizational Development section is responsible for designing, creating, and implementing training and organizational development efforts.

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